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As I yawned and chirped as I woke up, curling closer to ranboo as I reluctantly opened my eyes. I heard a returning chirp as a hand ruffled my hair, I smiled as I opened my eyes slightly, meeting ranboo's violet ones. I cooed up at him and yawned again, stretching my wings with a reluctant groan.
A quiet chirp as he put his face in my hair, I smiled and gently took his hand in mine as I cuddled closer. I heard a door open as ranboo's had shot up, his body curling around me more as a way of protecting me.
"calm down, ran, just me."
I turned as ranboo's body relaxed, the creeper centaur trotting over with a fruit bowl and putting it on the side.
"I would have made you something more junk food related but ponk has banned me from the kitchen and they're out."
I chuckled and smiled at him grabbing some berries and eating one before offering one to ran who ate it before chirping.
"how was technos?"
I paused as ranboo crooned worried taking another Berry and trying to give it to me, I took it and gave him a half smile eating it.
"lmanburg- ranboo, don't growl with an apple in your mouth- attacked twice, jack is now with us, along with niki, sap and eret. Who are being spies, apparently. Tuberculosis made a deal where he is working with dream."
Sam said, taken aback.
"that's his real name?"
I nodded as ranboo crooned with a yawn, closing his eyes as he left ender walk.
"well, I guess you two need this rest, Boomer and hannah wanna see their lil brother, quackity is building the last of his own country! It's already accepted as a faction as he pretend it was something else dream needed to sign while he was busy, meaning, we go there, we are safe permanently."
I smiled as papa described Las nevadas, and how sapnap helped quackity finish up the country after Karl signed off kinoko to lmanburg as more land for personal profit.
"how are quackity and sap doing? Did they get married?"
Sam paused, rubbing his chin in thought.
"I don't know, actually. I'll check, maybe you and your brother can have a joint wedding!"
I chuckled as ranboo cuddled me, his hetronormic eyes returned and he smiled at Sam.
"sounds like fun, guess you'll need to make those rings soon then."
He said, kissing my head, as I laughed, rubbing his head.
"whatever you say, boob boy. Sam, still have the forge stuff?"
His eyes curved under his mask.
"of course."
As we got up, we changed and head down stairs, me holding the bowl of fruit as me and ranboo eat them. As we entered the livingroom their was a gasp as I was tackled to the ground with a twinkle as two pixie wings blocked my vision.
"hannah! Be careful with your brother!"
Sam yelled as ranboo quickly pulled me from her and growled, ignoring the fact their where now fruits all over the floor as Boomer walked over casually.
"hey Tom's, who's your body guard?"
I heard a growl and lightly slapped ranboo's arm earning a pout.
"meet my platonically engaged husband, ranboo."
Boomer blinked a bit as hannah stared before Boomer screamed.
Hannah said, covering her twins mouth, earning a lick to the hand as she shook her hand in disgust.
"no but seriously, first, you two disappear, then you need us yo help you escape, now you have a hus-"
"wait, wait. Disappear?"
Boomer and hannah shared a look.
"... Yeah? We asked that tubbo kid and he said you up and left?-"
Ranboo seethed before he jumped as my hand slammed into the wall making a dent. They looked at us confused, turning to dam for answers.
"tubbo, he sent those two to that prison I built. Where I was already being held as I knew its structure."
Hannah looked aghast as Boomer curled up his fists.
"we can't do anything now, we are still healing from dreams-" cue a mild flinch."- toucher."
"im sorry, his what?"
I turned to the door as ponk stood there, followed by quackity, foolish, puffy, sapnap, eret and Jack.
"I mean, he did it different for all of us. He made me get electricuted on a island of lava; ranboo was trapped in a room of rising water; and tommy-" "I was locked in a box he'd stab into with a sword."
I interrupted, as I held ranboo's hand, playing with it. He held me close and put his head on mine. I felt their eyes on ranboo and I, curling into him as he growled at me discomfort.
"you know, I think its time we get back at that bitch. Las nevadas is mostly finished, only thing not finished is something I need redstone for."
Sam smiled.
"I can do that, just tell me what to do when we get there."
Big q nodded, I looked to him and saw how much he'd changed. He was now wearing a white shirt with suspenders, a navy blue tie on his neck, his classic beanie over his mullet of hair. What caught my eyes however, was the chain on his neck containing a ring and a dog tag.
"you look different, q."
He smirked, walking over to me as he ruffled my hair, us being ruffly the same height now. 2 years changes a lot.
"and you look like mi abuela. How's the last few days been Tom's? You want some golden apples? I know you love 'em!"
I chuckled as he passed me one, handing one to ranboo as he was still on my shoulder.
"thanks, q. So, how's you're fiancée."
I said, pointing at his ring. Quackitys face softened even more as he glance to sapnap who was passionately talking to Sam.
"he's fine, we where planning on holding off the wedding till you got home, so-"
"does this mean we can have a double wedding?"
I said with a chirp, holding his shoulders and jumping. He looked startled but laughed.
"well that's a way of saying your engaged! Of course, Mi hermano. I'll talk with sap about it."
A we caught up, big q told us about how lmanburgs been going on the financial decline.
"-the taxes have been rising as people cant afford them, so homelessness and debt are rising. Dreams making us pay 4 stacks of gold, 2 stacks of diamonds and 6 stacks of iron to keep the piece each year."
I gaped, as ranboo covered his mouth.
"thank gods I kept my riches in my end chest. No doubt if anyone knew I'd be poor."
I looked to him mildly confused.
"oh, right, I didn't really say that! I'm most likely the richest person on the server, except dream. I have 3 stacks and a half of diamond blocks, a chest full of emerald blocks, like- 7 and a half stacks of gold blocks and four chests of iron blocks, 10 stacks off lapiz blocks and half a chest of netherite."
He listed off before, smiling as if being that rich was normal.
"okay so you are absolutely going to love Las nevadas."
I laughed as big q still gaped over it, I was used to listening to his talk about how he missed mining for hours.
"well, we should move out stuff their and get our visas signed to say we are citizens."
Quackity smiled and nodded.
"my people have moved majority of things to nevadas already, purpled will show you the way to Las nevadas as my right hand man."
Purpled waved us over with one of his arms, I walked to him and gave him a half smile.
"hey purp, how the ufo?"
He frowned, before sighing.
"Karl blew it up under dreams order's..."
I gasped, pulling him into a hug.
"I'm so sorry, I know how much that place ment to you. Did you're stuff survive."
He smiled sadly.
"thankfully, most of it had already moved to nevadas, only a few of my less important items where left."
I hugged him again before smiling.
"I guess we can at least relax at nevadas as a group! Now, q said you knew the way!"
Ranboo said, making his presence known.
"of course, come on."
He said, as he walked away as we trailed.

Time skop

As we got closer I gaped at the beauty of it. The lights that brightened the sky as tall structures emphasise the soon to be loud and prosperous city, alive with technology and fun. As we walked we passed buildings ranging from flower shops and bakerys to bars and casinos. Some construction workers waved to us as they talked over some food. Ranboo kept his tail around my waist as he chatted to purpled, who said he was taking up to big q's family mansion. Apparently he'd been planning this for a while.
As we walked I saw posters around with different adverts, billboards with endless names and cords.
"it's amazing, isn't it?"
I turned to meet purpled smile as he continued to lead us to the mansion.
"yeah... Its like Las Vegas."
Purpled chuckled as he turnt down a road, me and ranboo walking with him.
"there it is."
He said with a smile, pointing to a ginormous white building with a large fountain in front of it. Ranboo pulled me closer as his eyes grew.
"ill show you two the room big q gave you."
I nodded as ranboo kept staring at the mansion.

As we walked in we where met with the others, who had seemingly came through a nether portal

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As we walked in we where met with the others, who had seemingly came through a nether portal.
"why didn't we-"
"we wanted you to know the paths between the houses."
I huffed but nodded, purpled pulled me and ranboo up the stair and led us to a room with our names on it.
"my rooms right across from you."
He said before walking into said room.

I looked around the room, ignoring the piles of boxes for now, and flopped on the bed, looking around

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I looked around the room, ignoring the piles of boxes for now, and flopped on the bed, looking around.
"awesome, Tom's. We should unpack though..."
I pout and looked out the window.
"let's go to bed, it's dark out, we can do that tomorrow, okay?"
I said, pouting.
"but what if we get distracted w-"
"ill let you preen my wings if you go to bed now."
He paused in his ramblings and turned to me with dilated pupils and a flickering tail.
"can I also apply that pain relief salve, I know you keep putting it off."
I flicked back my ears and grumbled.
"fine... Tomorrow."
"damn right."
He said, flicking off the lights and walking to me, hugging into my chest. I cooed and wrapped us in my wings, he smiled and manoeuvred us to the correct placement so we could look out into the city. He ran his hands through my wings and smiled, I chirped, chittering as I curled into ranboo, letting my eyes fall closed. As his purrs lulled me to sleep.

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