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(crates outfit later)
After crates woke up they ate a bowl of carrot stew and heaved out conversation with the nurse. Why not tubbo? You may ask, well he was fast asleep on the bed snoring as the deer rubbed between the goats horns.
"excuse me, is it normal for your horns to...peal?"
Crates looked confused before reaching up and pulled a chunk fo fluffy deer skin. Sighing, he removed his hand from his friends hair making him stir.
"its fine...just means my horns.... are gonna... come off-"
"their what-"
Tubbo mutter, sitting up and looking at them, before yelping and jumping back. Laughing crates wheezed and heaved, grabbing the bucket from beside the bed and placing the velvet into it.
"are you okay? That must hurt! I'll Get ponk!-"
"it's okay!.. Its... normal for my... type of deer to shed... my antlers and velvet!.. Calm!"
Tubbo nodded but continued to look nervous as crates pulled the velvet and placed it into the bucket, the nurse having left to get ponk.
"so you first decided to get shot, them give one of my nurses and family friends heart attacks? Really crates?"
Chuckling, he smiled.
"comes with... The charm."
They said reaching for tissues and cleaning his hands.  Conversations wayed of till the question tubbo'd been itching to ask was answered.
"the potion, one ment to heal you? It'll be done in about 3 hours, you'll be released after drinking it so you can heal at home."
"thank... Fuck it so... Dull in here."
Putting a hand to his chest, tubbo interjected.
"I'm offended, I'm I not interesting enough for you?"
"oh I'm... Sorry... Your worried calls... For nurses... Are rather... Funny though."
He said with a chuckle, another offended look crossed tubbo face as he fainted back, more laughs from crates between wheezes filled the room till only coughing remained as they gathered their breath.
"rubbing salt in the wound, crates, salt in the wound."
The goat said, wiping a fake tear from his eye. They simply laughed before laying back onto his side, a soft smile on his face despite their blackened skin as they rested again. Though conserned, tubbo was assured by ponk they just required more rest due to the injuries. Leaving the room, tubbo was told to return to crates home and grab them some clothes before getting ponk a golden apple they had in their room. Speedily grabbing the clothes as the deer had set out clothes for the next week on a dresser, ever the perfectionist, he sped off the the mansion. As he arrived he relaxed with a smile, Tommy and ranboo where on the sofa, eating popcorn while their kids played with some very familiar toys.
"are those the toys Wilbur made is in the war?"
Tubbo said, startling the pair on the sofa for a moment before getting a reply.
"hey, tubs, yeah, it is. I kept em as memoirs but I suppose it'd be cruel not to put em to some use."
Shaking his head fondly tubbo fuzzed Tommy's hair.
"rather clingy if you ask me."
"I'm not fucking clingy- YOUCH- WHAT THE HELL RAN!"
Ranboo flicked Tommy's head again.
"no swearing in front of the kids."
"yeah what the fuck Tommy."
Tubbo smirked earning twin glares before heading upstairs and grabbing the required items before heading back.
"where you headed?"
"crates is getting released in a bit wonce they've gotten the medication, so I'm heading back to pick them up."
The goat left leaving the married pair alone.
"he's a good friend, tubso, glad he's learnt from his mistakes, I suppose."
Ranboo hummed in agreement, holding the blond comfortably as they dozed off. The children quietly reenact grand wars against dragons and villains as their uncle travelled to the hospital once more.
"I'm back, ponk, here's the apple you wanted."
It was snatched from his had as the doctor glided past to the potions room, abandoning him in the foyer as the goat blink dimly before following them to the potions lab. The sounds of bubbling lava and cracking ice sounded through the room, ponk was by a cauldron working on a side, the sounds of metal on metal as he hobbled the the doctors side.
"this then an hour, go wait up their, can't have distractions in here, I have to keep moving the cauldron between sides of the room."
They said, shooing the ex-president away, and he sat in the waiting room. Scanning the room with his eyes, only to flinch as cold blue eyes met his, a gleem of gold under a white hoodie. Tubbo eyes hardened as he tapped three buttons on his communicator, the guards at the door jostled before glancing to the goat, following his gaze to the blonde in the corner who attempted to look inconspicuous. Two guards the other end of the doors nodded as the goats eyes moved from the man, standing as he walked to the doors of the elevators. Sudden movements from beside him instinctively made him duck as the elevater doors opened, luckily missing the bellboy who was now pressed against the wall, llama ears stood on end as a blade was inches in front of his nose and embedded in the wall. A grunt of pain as two guards talked the hoodie wearer to the ground.
"you okay kid?"
Tubbo asked the shaking llama, who nodded wordlessly as he stepped out of the elevator.
"I-I'm so glad I-its my break-"
He muttered walking passed a second bell boy who patted the boys arm as he passed, tubbo walking to the attacked as he was dragged away.
"when you are questioned. And when you are killed for your crimes. I will make sure I make it as painful as you made crates these past days. Mark. My. Words."
He hissed, as they left the hospital, turning to the new bell boy and requesting his floor.
Upon reaching crates side, he sighed exhausted and placed the clothes on the side, a hand on his forehead.
" what's got... You so s... Stressed?"
Opening his eye the goat blinked at the deer.
"just the guy who tried to kill me trying again."
"wasn't he... arrested?"
"seems he escaped."
Sighing the deer pouted.
"now who's stressed."
Tubbo teased, as the deer smiled and put a hand on the goats elbow, forcing him to lean forwards.
"How's... Bout when... I get o... Out ill... Make us... Some jewellery?"
Tubbo's eyes softened, knowing that they'd probably struggle with it for a while, but nodded.
"and ill make us something too, haven't decided what yet."
Crates ear flicked as he smiled, moving slightly with a hiss to reach and hold the ex-presidents hand, who met their hands half way. They shared a smile before the door opened to a disheaved ponk as they held a potion vial, covers in soot and golden sparkles.
"done! It's done and I'm never doing it again, good. God's."
They complained to sing it to Tubbo's open hand as they flopped on to the chair. Crates laughed slightly before taking the vail and scanning it with his good eye.
"ponk... Take Tubbo out... For me?"
The goat looked confused and so did the doctor before following the order given and returning to his patients side.
"this potion... You know what... it does?"
The deer said pensivly, swirling the potion.
"to stops the spread of the poison by cutting off areas that have been affected and turning the components of the poison into new cells, why?"
Looking up at the lemon, crates blinked, tilting their head on the side with the infected eye.
"so... My eye will need... an eye patch... As it's also infected... an may get taken out completely."
Ponk paused, eyes widening as they pursed their lips.
"ah... I see."
They stood and rifled through drawers and pulled out and eye patch.
"keep... Tubbo out of this...room till I stop screaming..."
They hesitated but nodded turning as the deer placed the patch on and downed the potion. The door shutting as they pulled the goat away quickly a groan of pain was the last thing heard before they reached the elevator.
" PONK!? what's happening?"
Tubbo said, pulling his arm away as they reached the second floor and ponk continued the approach to their office past other consulting and sat at their desk. Tubbo stood in the doorway baffled as ponk guestured him to sit before leaning on their hands, the goat moved to the desk and spammed his hands on the desk.
"what's happening, ponk?!"
Anger trying to over shower the fear as he glowered at the doctor. They sighed and sat straight.
"the potion-"
"what does it do? I swear if they are hurt-"
"they'll be fine. They just.... May experience a bit of pain and didn't want you to see it."
He glowered.
"how much pain, exactly?"
Ponk actually grew mildly nervous.
"just losing an already blind eye and stemming of all poison veins."
They muttered quickly, blinking slowly.
"...so I was removed from their side, why?"
"they asked."
Tubbo stood and took a deep breath.
"I'm going to them."
"they'll kill me-"
"that's a you problem."
He said rushing to the elevator and returning to the presidential floor only to hear pained crys as he rushed to the deers room, one nurse was positioned on this floor and she was- luckily- on break. Rushing to the doors, he threw open and ran to crates side. Their eye met his as they hissed in pain again.
"you shouldnt be here to watch this."
They said, their voice seemingly healed as they gripped their shoulder as the black veins slowly turnt grey, clearly biting back some of the pain.
"you need someone by your side right now, you must be in so much pain."
He said, taking the hand that gripped at the hospital bed, only to hiss as it felt like his hand was broken. The witch cried out as  some of the black veins transformed into different grey symbols as he reached for his face. Tubbo rubbed at their hand, trying to sooth the pain in anyway he could. After what felt like hours the deers breath slowed as they relaxed into the bed. Tubbo flexed his hand as he looked at crates, their skin was grey where it was once black with scattered symbols and shapes across the scaring.
"you where about to ask if I was okay, you goof ball."
They smiled, sitting up with a groan and looked up at the now open door with ponk and ranboo standing there.
"good to see you alive, you'll find your free to go after I do a check."
Ponk said as ranboo waved to the deer.
"and I'm here to ask the question of how the person escaped and got to the lobby, any ideas?"
They said, looking at tubbo, who shrugged and rubbed his chin.
"I'd assume they attacked the guards but giver qs lack of panic, an inside job?"
Ran nodded with a bored expression, sighing.
"we are all agreed on that. But who is the real question. Saps looking through footage right now with fundy."
"hows the new president holding up?"
Ranboo shrugged, shaking his head, seemingly uncaring.
"don't speak to him much, but ghostbur give me updates."
The goat nodded as he turnt to the doctor.
"they are just changing, where's purpled?"
Tubbo blinked, turning to ranboo who sighed and rubbed their eyes.
"that alien has never been so irritating to be around. In the kindest way I can say it. He's off his rocker, pacing through the floor, guarding the hospital while also hunting down all of dreams known people and even some unknowns he's been digging up dirt on. Hissing out plots to himself as he eats at the table. When crates gets back you two deal with his sanity cause me and Tom's and going to lose ours!"
Tubs Rose a brow.
"... More sanity- besides the point, the kids are doing better with English."
"thats amazing ran, but I'm incredibly sick of these walls, how's about we talk and drive?"
Crates said, adjusting their sleeve as they looked at him with his eye, having taken of the eye patch now it was clear the eye had gone, there was a some blood on ponks gloves now tubbo payed more attention.
"let's go, I'll help you to the car."
Ran said, walking to them out as tubbo held back pont for a second.
"would it be plausible to create a false eye that can connect to the nerves and allow them to see?"
Ponk looked startled, before humming.
"well plausibly, yes, never been done and difficult to do, also yes. You'd need a medical professional to help, and if, plausibly, you made this, you would help alot of people in future and present, including yourself."
They said, a small smile. As they walked away, tubbo followed and started to think for alot of the trip home. When they arrived crates opened the door, only to be tackled by two tiny hybrids.
"hey! I just got discharged people!"
They said with a laugh, ruffling the pairs hair. Then, the hyper children tackled their father as the deer was helped up carefully by the goat who checked them over panicked.
"that didn't hurt you, right? No where hurts? Do we need to go back to the hospital-"
"I'm 6 seconds from slapping you, tubs."
Crates said as the goat relented and turnt to the room, Tommy shook his head fondly as Sam, quackity and fundy rose from the kitchen table to welcome us all back, as we all talked footsteps descended the stairs.
"I'm going out, a new job came-"
Purples paused looking up the see tubbo, Ponk and crates back.
"-up...oh my XD YOUR BACK!"
he said, rushing and tackling the two back onto the floor, holding them tightly in all four of his arms, papers strewn all over the floor as he'd dropped them in his dash to the pair.
"what happened at the hospital? Is there permanent damage? Can I kill the fucker who did this? When I get my hands-"
Crates pushed back on purpleds chest to look him in the face.
"look. No real permanent damage other than the skin is permanently like this and I no longer have an eye, the hospital was as dull as bricks, no you can't kill him as we need all the information we can get. Now breath."
Purpled sighed, and stood up, helping the two up with his lower arms as he rubbed his face.
"right, right. Let's just, I don't know, do something."
"a hug would be nice, tubs been treating me like shattered glass."
"im just conserved for your health."
Tubbo said lacing their hands together.
"and what? You gonna be all affectionate now?"
"I will be!"
"a shush, twat, we need to get you food and something to do."
Rolling his eyes, Tommy butted in.
"how's about we plan the wedding? Might get things moving quicker."
He said, sipping his drink as quackity choked on his drink as Ponk did a spit take. Crates blushed and fumbled with their words, tubbo was staring at Tommy blankly as Purpled look pensive, rubbing his chin.
"I can get us a discount on the venue."
The alien muttered, seemingly to himself. Crates threw a book at him.
It's good to have everyone back.

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