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Bit of gore, little spook

The days dragged on, tubbo being watched and cared for under the watchful eyes of crates and ponk, Tommy and purple stepped up to help with house work as quackity prepared for an upcoming speech that would surely set the whole server for a loop.
A worker scurried off to the mic stations, quackity voice echoing through the area. Tubbo had been helped back to lmanburg to make a similar announcement with quackity and crates at his side. Now? It was time.
"sir people are entering the hall, the press is here."
Quackity glanced to purple and nodded.
"let them, I want to know he knows."
"of course."
With a hand gesture to the guards they disappated as Sapnap entered, his eyes on his partners back. Wrapping his arms around the smaller waist he smiled.
"good luck out there, q."
Humming, he leaned into the warm embrace, taking a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"thanks, amor."
He said, kissing his blaze demons cheek. He nodded to the stage manager and left to the wings, watching as crates checked him over for the umpteenth time as he leaned lazily on his crutch as he glanced to quackity.
"they've been like this all day."
"I have a right to be worried for my friend and patient."
The stag said, the black shirt embroidered with golden stars and planets, the waist high shorts covered by a shimmering opal like cloth tied at his hip. The bell like chimes from his horns showed different gems and metals wrapped into one and other. Tubbo was also dressed stylishly, clearly having been influenced by crates with embroidered leaves and wings on the back of his shirt, a large sunflower between both wings glowed with its brilliant petals. Wearing a similar pair of shorts to crates to help the cast on his leg, ponk having found a poorly healed bone and having to break it to help it heal properly with slow additions of hypocrates potions and his mother henning over the goat.
"well, let's make sure we are ready fuly, that includes a final check up from your potions master."
Quackity said with a smirk, earning a groan from tubbo and crates saluted with a smirk and circled the goat, flicking his hand and some glowing words appeared, he nodded calmly.
"good, now you, big q."
He said flicking his hand and more glowing words appeared.
"there we go. Let's get this show on the road!"
Crates said with two claps, Tommy and Sam smiled as the pulled open the curtains while the kids stood to the wings withe ranboo. Tubbo hobbled to the centre of the stage with crates to his left and quackity to his right.

"residents of Las nervadas."
Cameras flashed as muttered words echoed.
"I've come forwards to you with two prices of news, one good, and one bad."
The muttering grew louder till it was hushed by the voice of their president.
"our peace treaty with lmanburg has been updated! We are now allies and have both trade and economic ties with a underground between the two cities."
Cheers and flashes showered the stage as shroud covered their eyes while Micheal giggled loudly.
"i still bring other news that may not shock many but meads to be directly said."
The room was silenced at them as quackity spoke.
"we have captured Dream wastaken after he falsely presented as and also harmed the president of our allies, lmanburg, president tuberculosis underscore who is with me today."
There was screams of questions as crates, seemingly unwillingly stepped infornt of the goat. Q took notice, as did ranboo but that was it as cameras flashed prior to tubbo stepping to the mic.
"I thank you for welcoming me here, president HQ Halo, I hope that with our allience and joined enemy out lands trades and communities will grow stronger and more profitable in due time."
He said, offering a hand to quackity, who took it in a firm but gentle shake as to not hurt the goat. Crates was keeping steady eyes on the crowd as well as his friends. Suddenly, an arrow launched at the two leaders, gasps sounded as the approach was made known. Luckily, or unluckily, hypocrates managed to throw himself in the way of the arrow taking it to the shoulder though it was clearly meant for quackitys head. Hissing as he felt the affects of poison on his skin he stood strong enough to stare at the location the arrow came from and throw a hand forwards as the person in question glowed, the crossbow in their arms disappeared into their inventory as they ran, only the shimmer of a golden chain was seen as an invs pot was thrown and the room went into panic. Crates stumbled as he gripped the bubbling skin around the wound as he hissed not taking the chance to pull it out les the wound get worse. Tubbo was at his side in a flash as ponk rushed right behind him with newly trained nurses at his side.
"shit it was poison. Guards protect the family, the attacker could still be here."
Ponk said, nodding as two nurses ran for a stretcher. Looking around, tubbos senses where on the fritz, one of his closes confidants was shot and nearly functioning as the poison flooded his system. It never killed, anyone who'd had it would tell you they'd wished it had. It burned worse than any fireworks could as it melted and stained any nearby flesh and blacked the area forever. Watching the deer in his arms hiss and attempt to reach for his throat was a painful sight for anyone, suddenly, he thrust his hand to where Tommy and his family where and a crashing sound made heads turn to the growing dust pile on the floor as guards grasped the solid form they could find.
"tubbo, come with me. I need help with this."
Crates Was pulled onto the stretcher, wheezes of pain left the deers throat as he blinked back tears.
"ill find you the second this is over, crates."
He muttered before rushing with a new flood of adrenaline, his healing foot suddenly functioning as he all but charged at the invisible attacker.
"who the fuck did that. You where aiming for big qs head. So why?"
There was no answer as the invis wore off. Suddenly it was clear the person, also wearing a cloak but holding a dagger, was out cold. Glaring didn't serfice and tubbo wanted nothing more than to make a wonderful dent in his skull with the floor but digressed with the gentle hand on his shoulder from Tommy.
"take him to a cell."
Nodding, a guard left, the rest crowding the family close together.
"kids, stay very close okay?"
Silent nods as they blinked back tears and held onto their parents shirts.

Short time skip

Tubbo paced the room, his injury long forgotten with adrenaline and rage seeping through his veins.

"if I ever meet that bastard I'm going to tare off their head. How do you even fathom that idea! Attacking a President! In front of a huge crowd? With poison arrows?? The amount of potential casualtys would be exponential!"

Ranboo was watching this while Tommy was upstairs with the kids.

"I think your just made that Crates was the one hurt in all this."

He said, sipping his tea as tubbo turn in a rage fueled stride.

"of course I'm mad! That's one of the people who saved my life! They are now suffering because of this whole ordeal and he's now on the verge of death!!ONE WRONG MOVE, RAN! THAT'S ALL IT'D TAKE FOR HIM TO DIE! OF COURSE I'M DISTRESSED OVER THIS!"

Thr ram stated rattled. Gripping the calm enders shoulders and shaking him violently.

"do you want to take a breath so you can stop screeching like a harpy on helium so you can visit him or do you want to stay here?"

Quackity said, apparently standing in the door way. Tubbo turn to him.

"are They okay? Do they need anything? Are they in a coma? Should we get health pots? Do i-"

"B R E A T H."
quackity said, holding the startled rams shoulders as ran sipped more tea.

"now go. "

Tubbo all but rushed to the door and left with the car outside. Ranboo glanced to quackity who sighed and lazed onto the sofa.

"he's so frantic and it's going to only get worse when he finds out."

"finds out what?"

Ranboo asked placing his cup down as he turnt.

"that crates-well- the poison managed to spread up to his eye before it was nullified. So he's basically lost that ey and damn near lost hearing if it weren't for the antidote."

He didn't have the words to speak, of course he was also worried, he'd befriended the deer, but this news was shell-shocking. They sat in silence, the words seemed to hang in the room like a fog of displeasure. A usually joking atmosphere turnt vile.

"that probably brought back so much for tubbo. A presidential speech being overriden by distruction."

Dreading the thought, ranboo stood and went to the stairs.

"ill tell Tommy and anyone else who I see."

With a silent nod the pair parted ways.

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