Chapter 2

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               The four girls looked at each other and instantly knew something was off.  Mia. Never stayed away for this long. Her parents were travel doctors so if she disappeared for the weekend, she would always come back that Monday to beat her parents home.

Brielle: Guys I'm actually starting to get worried... What if something happened to her for real.
Justice: Brielle she probably just decided not to bring her a** back. It will be good for her to just stay away.
Brielle: Don't say that! We've all been friends since middle school. India and Mia for even longer.
Havynn: Right. To be honest, you mad cause she slept wit yo man.
Justice: Havynn go to hell.
Havynn: Don't be mad I'm just saying. We all know not to tell her our crushes or bring our boyfriends around her. She is a whore.

India didn't hear any of the conversation. Her mind was starting to get the best of her. She started to worry that something might have happened to Mia for real. This was not like her to not answer any of India's phone calls. She can't help but wonder where did Mia go after the party that weekend.

India: Y'all just chill out. She'll be back soon ok. Mia is fine.
Havynn: Shid I hope so. She owe me 10 dollars.

                       They all laughed walking out together when India looked over and saw Mia's parents having a heated discussion. She loved Mia's parents as if they were her own. She decided to walk over to check on them.

India: Hi Mr. and Mrs. Hanes, Are y'all doing alright?
Mrs. Hanes *smiles*: Hey sweetie, we're doing fine just trying to make sure Mia is ok. You know she doesn't usually disappear this long.
Mr. Hanes: She's probably off with a nappy headed ass little boy. That's why we should send her to my parents house when we leave.
Mrs. Hanes: Why the hell would you just assume that. She hasn't even texted or called us. She always at least calls me.
Mr. Hanes: And that's exactly the problem. You need to be more strict on her fast ass.

They glared at each other for a moment before India broke the silence.

India: I know you guys are stressed out. If y'all need anything you can always call me and my mom. I love you guys like parents and I want to help in any way that I can.

*Mr. and Mrs. Hanes smile*

Mr. Hanes: Thank you India.
Mrs. Hanes: We are so happy that you and Mia are friends. I don't know what she would do without you.
India *smiles*: Of course. I love Mia. She's like a sister to me. I'll see you guys later. I'm a little late to class.
Mrs. Hanes: Thank you sweetie. Have a great day!
India: Yes ma'am, you too.

India quickly ran to class. Her thoughts were running a million miles per hour. While running she bumped into the most annoying ass boy in the senior class. Chris. He was the "I can't get no hug" ass nigga.

India *thinking*: I do not have time for this boy right now.
Chris: Wassup India. You need a hug? I heard your friend went missing.
India: Thank you Chris but I'm fine.
Chris: Man forreal India come on.
India: Please and I mean this with all the disrespect in the world.....get the fuck away from me.
Chris: We'll damn fuck you too. I'll jus head out then.

Chris smacked his lips and walked away from India. India headed to her English class and gave her speech that was due for today. She stumbled over her words a little. She was so frustrated that day that she decided she was going home for the day. When she got home the girls texted in the group chat.

Havynn: India where the fuck you at?
Brielle: Yea, we looking for you sis.
Justice: She prolly went home for the day.
Brielle: I wish I could do that. My parents would literally kill me.
Havynn: Strict ass parents.
India: Hey y'all.
Justice: Not you actually texting back for once.
India: Girl stfu.
Brielle: Anyways we're about to go to the mall. Do you wanna go with us?
India: No imma stay home today. I'm a little tired.
Brielle: Aww ok girl get plenty of rest. We love you!
India: Love you guys too!

India fell asleep for a few hours. When she woke up, she smelled her favorite food that her momma made for her whenever she had good or bad news. For her whole life, it was always India, her mother, Gabriel, and her older sister, Tiffany. From what India knew, her father died when she was a baby. India's mother was an OB/GYN but she always tried to make as much time for India as possible. Gabriel always made sure she showed both of her daughters how much she loved them. India started to make her way downstairs because she was hungry as hell. When she made it downstairs Gabriel turned and smiled at her with sadness.

Gabriel: Hey baby, I made your favorite, salmon croquettes.
India: Thank you, momma.

They both made their plates and sat down at the dining room table together.
Gabriel: I heard about Mia. India......
India: Momma please. I know that Mia was a little wild but she was still my friend. I'm worried about her.
Gabriel: I know sweetie I was just going to ask you if you were ok. I just wanted to tell you the police will question you and the girls since all of you are close.
India: I know momma. I'm prepared.
Gabriel: Ok good. If anything else happens you can talk to me. I love you.
India: I love you too momma.
Gabriel: Ok well I'm about to go to bed. I need you to do them dishes in the sink and put up all the food.
India: mommmaaa pleasseeee.
Gabriel: Nope I don't want to hear it. Goodnight.

Gabriel kissed India on the forehead. India did the dishes and put up all the food and went to her room. She sat for a while and she couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't remember anything from the night that she last saw Mia. She couldn't figure out why nobody talked about that night either.

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