The test Too pt 2

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Everyone sat in class quietly taking their test

But haechan stared at his test completely lost

I didn't study at all I'm gonna fail

No it's ok haechan just take a deep breath and guess

"Ok everyone times up"

Haechan froze and looked at the clock

Well I guessed all the questions it couldn't be that bad right

he collected the papers and smiled at the class

"I'm hoping for good results all of you studied very hard"

Haechan gulped

I'm staying at chenle's tonight

The next day~

Everyone was in the class talking and chatting as usual

"Bro I know I failed that test"

Mark groaned

Chenle laughed

"Trust me the last thing I can afford to do is fail my mother would kill me"

Mark and Chenle looked at haechan staring off into space

"Something tells me he didn't do very well either

Jaehyun walked in the classroom and threw the test papers down on the desk making everyone shut up quickly

"You know only 3 people passed this test, I gave you plenty of time to study but instead you guys slacked off!!"

Mark and Chenle looked at Heachan

Oh he definitely failed Jaehyun is pissed off

"When I call your name come up and get your papers I'm calling from best to worst"

Everyone groaned

"Zhong Chenle"

Chenle let out a sigh

"Oh thank god"

He ran up quickly to collect his paper

"Mark lee"

Mark looked at him shocked

"You sure you called the right name mr. jung"

Jaehyun nodded and he grabbed his paper

"Huang Renjun"

Renjun rolled his eyes and snatched his paper from Jaehyun sitting down

As more names were being called Heachan didn't hear his name once and almost everyone in the class got their papers already

Wait don't tell me-

"Lee Donghyuck"

Shit I'm last"

Everyone looked at haechan walk up slowly to grab his paper

Damn imagine failing your boyfriends test

He's dead

Look at the look on mr. jung's face

They whispered

Haechan stood in front of Jaehyun desk

"I'm sor-"

Jaehyun looked up at him with a smile an angry smile

"Go sit we'll talk about it later"

Haechan scurried back to his seat and looked at his score

I-I got a 2 like the number 2

Haechan groaned

I'd rather have a 0 than a fucking 2!!

"You all can retake the test but I swear if more than 5 people fail you all fail"

Everyone nodded and Jaehyun dismissed them

Oh no I have to sit in a car with him

Jaehyun and haechan got in the car and drove silently

Should I say something

He asked himself nervously

"Um are you mad a-at me"

Jaehyun took deep breaths as he looked at his boyfriend with a smile

"No honey I'm not mad"

Oh shit it's that smile from the restaurant he's definitely mad at me

Time skip~

They made it back home and jaehyun wouldn't talk to haechan no matter how hard the boy tried talking to him

"Jae I'm sorry really"

Jaehyun sighed and looked away from him

"Jae please don't ignore me I-I didn't mean to disappoint you"

The man looked at him for a second and sighed finally giving in

"I'm not disappointed that you failed sunshine I'm upset that you lied to me"

Haechan put his head down

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to lie I-I just didn't want you to be mad at me"

Jaehyun rubbed the boys head

"Baby i could never truly be mad at you for something as little as failing a test but I do want you to be honest with me ok"

Haechan nodded


Jaehyun smirked and grabbed his boyfriends hand

"Now let's go study"

Haechan groaned

"But jae-

He complained

"Nope don't wanna hear it let's go"

Remember kids never study and always procrastinate 💚💚

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