Terrible party Too

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"I'm sorry i finished so late while I was doing the work more files came in"

Haechan smiled

"It's ok"

Jaehyun hugged him from behind and kissed his neck softly

"I have to go to a party for work"

Haechan frowned

"What why"

Jaehyun sighed

"Our boss is retiring so it's a fancy going away party basically"

Haechan smiled and continued the dishes

"Have a good time and make lots of friends"

Jaehyun turned his boyfriend around and picked him up

"H-hey jae your getting water everywhere!!"

Haechan said still holding the soaked dripping rag

"Your coming with me sunshine"

Haechan pouted

"No I don't wanna"

Jaehyun smirked and raised his eyebrow

"Well if you go i'll give you a very special surprise when we come back home"

The boy blushed and nodded

"F-fine I'll go just...move your hand off my butt"

He said embarrassed

The man chuckled and let him down

"You can finish dishes later, lets go get dressed"

haechan sighed

"But I don't have a-"


The man cut him off a lifted up a suit out of nowhere

"I got you one. gosh I'm so excited your gonna look so adorable"

Haechan glared at him and snatched it from

"Whatever let's just get this over with"

Jaehyun waited for his boyfriend to get dressed

I just know he's gonna look beautiful, if we ever get marr-

The boy cut him off when he walked out of the bathroom

"Wow you look so cute ahhhh~"

Haechan rolled his eyes his cheeks heating up a bit

"Let's go"

They went to the car and drove down to the place the party was gonna be held

Haechan gasped as they pulled up to the place

"You guys rented out a fucking castle"

Jaehyun laughed

"Well it's a ball room first thing and second of all watch your language"

Haechan shut his mouth and they got out of the car

"Ok rules"

The boy sighed and listened even though he didn't wanna be here in the first place

"Don't drink anything there's a high possibility that almost everything in there is alcohol, if a stranger pours you a drink don't drink it, don't get lost, don't talk to strangers, be good"

Haechan nodded and they walked in

"Woah it's huge in here and there's a lot more people than I thought it's like a movie scene where all the rich people go to expensive party's"

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