Ch. 13 | Money Involved

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A/N: This chapter contains sexual themes, but not very.. y'know, intense themes. Just, readers beware. And I'm sorry for this. :'D

- "Just get on with it!" Max shouted irritably from beside you. David, who had been stalling for the past three minutes, gave Max a stern look. "Max, he'll get here when the time comes," he looked around, then back at him. "David's just stalling so Campbell can ominously appear," Gwen said, rolling her eyes. David snapped his head around and stared at Gwen, "..fine, then I guess we'll do the presentation without the great man who founded this camp."

"No need! I'm here!" Campbell said, falling from the sky. David, Gwen, and everyone else gasped. "Sir!" David squealed, running up to him. "..Sir?" Gwen looked up, "who's driving that helicopter?" She pointed at the swerving helicopter. "Oh, nobody. I put it on auto-" Before he could finish, the helicopter dropped on spooky island and exploded. Everyone looked speechlessly at it. Then Gwen looked back at Campbell.

"We're gonna ignore that," he looked away and at you. "Y/N?" He took a step back. "Ugh," you pulled your hood over your head and ducked down. Everyone turned and looked at you. "Wha.. Mr. Campbell, you know Y/N?" David looked at him, head tipped sideways. "Do I know her? This is my daughter." Everyone gasped. "Why didn't you tell me?" David asked, leaning forward slightly. Gwen stared at the clipboard she was carrying.

"What was I supposed to say?" You snorted, "oh, by the way, Cameron Campbell is my dad?" Gwen grabbed David by the sleeve and yanked him away from the kids. She whispered something into his ear, and he whispered back, then they looked at you. Gwen flipped through the pages on her clipboard. "When did your mother-" Campbell started. "Dad, can we do this somewhere else?" You pulled on the drawstrings of your hoodie.

He looked at his watch, then at you. "Of course, I need to go attend to some business," he walked past the crowd and into the Mess Hall. Everyone looked after him, then at you. "Uh.. now what?" Gwen asked. David shrugged, "I guess we can move on with the presentation." He walked into the Counselors Cabin. Gwen held her clipboard to her chest "Scatter!" She whisper-shouted. "It is too early for this shit." Everyone stared at her silently. "Well? What are you waiting for? HIDE," she hissed. "Ohh!" They all ran in different directions.

Nikki, being Nikki, grabbed your hand, ran over to the Mess Hall, and literally threw you onto the roof. "How's the view?" She asked, climbing up next to you. "See for yourself," you pointed ahead. "Ahh, the sweet smell of watery oil and sweat," Nikki sighed after inhaling sharply. "I wouldn't call it sweet," you chuckled, folding your arms and yawning. "So, about Campbell.." Nikki said, instantly trailing off when she noticed your grumpy expression.

"Yeah, he's my dad," you said, looking sideways. "But how good of a dad is he?" She asked, leaning forward. "I wouldn't know, he's being hunted by the IRS and he barely has time for us. But I guess he's alright. He still cares about us, me specifically." You looked back at her, and she was literally staring into your soul. "Eheh.. it's nothing though," you turned and looked down at the Counselors Cabin. Nikki, out of the corner of your eye, was still looking at you sympathetically.

"David!" You slunk backwards when you saw him walk out of the cabin holding a thick pile of papers. He looked around, bewildered, then he looked at Gwen, who was casually just standing there. "Gwen, where did all the kids go?" You heard him ask. Gwen shrugged, "I looked away for a second, and when I turned around they were gone." David sighed and individually started calling out for you guys while walking around and searching.

After a while, he just gave up. "We have ice cream!" He yelled, walking into the Mess Hall. Almost instantly, everyone, including you and Nikki, was out of their hiding spots and literally trampling each other in order to get to the Mess Hall first. You and Nikki got your souls squeezed out of your bodies as people struggled to get in first. Max, who was casually just standing at the back of the crowd, used Space Kid's head to boost himself over everyone. Then he crawled across their heads and jumped down when he reached the front of the line.

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