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The kingdom prospered, its sugary residents thriving within its ever-expanding borders, now mostly free of darkness and suffering. As danger faded and the dust settled, the citizens started craving things more trivial, less significant. They began to mingle, interact, form relationships of every flavour...a new niche appeared in the market...

Twizzly Gummy's shop, "FUCK IT (literally)" had a small, yet loyal following.

A bell rang as a new patron entered the store, observing his surroundings and eventually stopping at the neon-haired owner slumped over the counter.

"Well look who it is! Mr. Prim and Proper Espresso! Whaddya doin' round these parts, ya coffee bean?"

"Hello Twizzly."

She grinned at him.

"Anythin' I can hook ya up with? Or anyone?"

"The-the former, I'd say..."

Twizzly chuckled a bit at his remark.

"Aww, no need to be so nervous buddy! Ain't nobody gonna judge ya here! Now go on, tell me: whaddya need?" She propped her head up with her hands, leaned against the counter and waited for Espresso's response.

"...My partner seems to have taken an interest in the...tying of knots"

"Ahhh, so you're a rope bunny huh? Didn't expect that from you but I ain't one to judge! You came to try out some ropes?"

"Oh no no no, not me! My partner seems to wish to be on the...receiving...end."

"Ohhh, I see, I see. You wanna pick some rope out for 'em?"


"Ya know how to tie 'em up?"

"I don't have any experience but I do have a number of books..."

"Books can only get ya so far. How 'bout I give you a few lessons, free of charge, how's that sound? Wouldn't want ya chokin' your partner on accident, hehe!"

Twizzly giggled, then suddenly stopped.

"I may be jokin', but it's happened before. Not that I'm doubtin' your abilities, but better safe than sorry, y'know?"

"You're right, that would be quite helpful...Thank you Twizzly"

Twizzly replied with another grin.

"No problem, Espressy. Now how's about you pick out some rope for your partner, then I can teach ya to use it."

Ten minutes later Twizzly Gummy found Espresso perusing a shelf lined with bunches of rope of almost every colour imaginable. Twizzly liked to keep it well stocked, for what's the point of bondage if you can't have a little fun with it?

"Can't decide between red or blue, huh, Espressy?"

"Yes...red is traditional, I've heard, but I think they would like the blue very much..."

"Yeah, tough choice. Can I suggest a third option?"

"Go on."

Twizzly handed Espresso a third, darker bundle. He took notice immediately:

"Why that is-"

"Now hear me out. If ya want, you can put it in front of him, and then you say..."

Twizzly leaned towards Espresso and whispered something in his ear. An expression of shock briefly crossed his flushed face, before he regained his composure.

"I'll take that one and the blue."

"That's my guy! Now come back here, lemme teach you a few tricks on one of my mannequins!"

Twizzly skipped off into a side room, and Espresso followed after.

Sweetie? An Espresso x Madeleine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now