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It was nearing sunset. The golden disc of the sun was barely scratching the hilltops, rimming them with golden light. Madeleine Cookie sat patiently on the edge of the bed, observing as the bluebirds flitted between the roofs of houses.

The clack of heels on tiled floor alerted him of someone's presence. He turned swiftly...

It is incredible how, under the right circumstances, an elegant, sophisticated garment like a corset, can appear so incredibly ((sexy)) scandalous.

No matter how many mornings or evenings, corridors and doorways he has seen him in, Madeleine was ((horny)) infatuated from the quickest glance. He sat on the bed, transfixed. It was like his eyes hungered for a masterpiece, a portrait. He would get lost in the eyes of its subject, preferring to peruse every detail, every masterful stroke, to looking at anything else in the gallery. He was like a wolf following a faint scent, and willing to follow it till the end of his days...Only one question remained, all else lost in the insignificant grey: How the fuck is he so gorgeous.

The 'he' in question approached the bed, and placed down two sets of rope and a hardbound book. ((Hehe, get it? bound?))

"Here we are...I had the rope prepared down at the shop, so hopefully nobody will get chafed today..."

Espresso looked at Madeleine and smiled.

"Are you ready, my sweet?"

Madeleine met his eyes, and forced his voice not to shake even the slightest bit:

"Yes dear I...I think I am."

"Wonderful!" Espresso said with a clap. He picked the book up, and sat beside Madeleine. Black fabric, silver details, and a detailed illustration of a heart-shaped knot on the cover. No title was visible. It was as if it was made to be hidden, discrete, only showing its true nature after you open the first page...This...reminded Madeleine of someone...

Espresso flipped through pages, scanning diagrams of chest harnesses, arm and leg ties...Madeleine observed. Espresso looked up at him:

"Perhaps something simple to give you a feel for it? For example, just your hands or feet?"

"M-maybe hands?"

"Are you sure?"


"Hands it is."

Espresso flipped to one of the first pages: The Double Column Tie.

He picked up a bundle. It was as if the rope was woven out of the night sky, the deepest of royal blues. It fell and wound onto the floor like a sapphire serpent, with Espresso as its charmer.

"Madeleine, would you be a dear and hold your hands out for me?"

Madeleine obliged.

Espresso was barely looking at the book. With impressive fluidity, he bent the rope to his will, folding it in half, wrapping it once, twice, three times around Madeleine's wrists.

"Does this feel alright, my dear?" the voice rang, as Espresso lightly pulled on the ends.

"Ye-yes...quite alright..."

Espresso made a knot. He made a loop and knotted the rope again.

"There we are!"

He gave the end of the rope a few tugs. Madeleine's arms bounced, like a puppet on its string.

"How does that feel, my darling?" Espresso pestered, using the end to lift Madeleine's arms into the air. Madeleine took a few seconds to process...

"I feel...light...light as a feather...yet I feel...trapped. Like...a bird in a cage..."

He felt Espresso's fingers brush his lips. Gentle, delicate, passionate...he fell silent.

"But does it feel good?"

"...yeah...Yeah, I guess it does..."

"I am glad to hear that, sweetheart."

Espresso smiled again. Madeleine could never have enough of it. A smile so intimidating yet caring, gentle and genuine...it could not be lost to the sands of time unappreciated. Madeleine wanted to catch every joyous moment he had with Espresso.

The setting sun streamed through the window as two lovers shared a kiss. Like drinking the finest Arabica, like biting into the shell-like form of the softest cake...

Espresso gently broke the moment. He leaned back, but his eyes did not leave Madeleine's.

"Would you like to try something more...head-to-toe?"


"I have a second bundle we could use..."

He picked up the second rope, tossing it lightly into the air and catching it again. Madeleine noticed something familiar in the notes of its colour:

"Why that's-"

Coffee. The deepest shade of brewed espresso. Dark as his eyes, his hair...

Espresso gave a slight, knowing smile, and shrugged his shoulders.

"I thought you might like it..."

Madeleine made his best effort to sit up, still temporarily lacking the mobility of his hands. He managed it, with some difficulty.

"I do! I...I really do..."

A silent moment, broken not by person, not by bird, ((not by Pancake Cookie running around and fucking screaming at 8pm-))...Madeleine broke it with a question.

"...What was it you were going to suggest?"

Sweetie? An Espresso x Madeleine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now