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The bedroom was quiet. A cookie stands over his partner, a book lying open across from him. He carefully reads the instructions, giving himself time to visualise them and connect them to the diagrams...

"Sweets, can you hold this?"

Madeleine stood still, only rarely shifting side to side so that Espresso could easier reach the rope, his arms still tied. Madeleine's gaze shifted nervously around the room. Espresso's gaze, on the other hand, only had two points of interest: Madeleine's body, further down which it drifted with each subsequent knot, and Madeleine's face...

"Now to pull it through the loop...Are you ready?"

"Ye-yes my darling..."

Espresso pulled the rope between Madeleine's legs, and hooked it through the loop behind his neck, and gently pulled it taut.

The smallest of gasps left Madeleine's lips...

"Oh my sweetest, are you alright? Is it too tight?"
"It's...quite alright...I just need a moment to adjust."

Madeleine took a few deep breaths, the knots of rope going down his torso catching on the lace of his blouse. The two exchanged nods, and Espresso looked back at the tome.

"...now it seems we pull the rope through here," he softly spoke, running his fingers from the first knot down to the second, "...and run it along here." his fingers brushed over Madeleine's blouse, over his chest...

Like an ivy wraps a tree, the rope was a grapevine hugging the intricately carved archway of Madeleine's body. ((The ropes wrapped him like the juiciest leg of ham that ever existed.))

Espresso ran his fingers down Madeleine's chest, brushing over each carefully tied loop and knot. He held Madeleine's face and looked at his glazed eyes...

"Well...how does it feel?"

"I f..I feel..."

Madeleine looked down at his hands, moments later finding that Espresso's was wedged between them. He held it, massaging the thumb, before he spoke...
"Thank you, Espresso...I...I just..I-"

The flavour of coffee touched his lips, the aroma of coffee touched his nose, as his body felt impact with the softest of sheets.

"I love you too, Maddie."

The sky was painted every shade of pink, orange and yellow. The clouds spiralled and slowly drifted across the sky.

Two cookies share another passionate kiss...

"M-my dear?"

"Yes, Maddie?"

"I have one question for you..."

A peck on the cheek.

"Ask away, my sweet."

"Why did you...pick out that colour for me?"

A soft smirk decorated Espresso's face.
"Well...I just thought that..."

He placed one knee onto the bed.

"If someone were to see us..."

He held Madeleine's chin with one hand, the end of the sapphire rope loosely wrapped around the other. He leaned in close, and spoke softly into Madeleine's ear:

"...I would want them to know you were mine."


Sweetie? An Espresso x Madeleine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now