Chapter three:Meera's diary-PART TWO

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And when the tempest in your life manifests to its full-blown form and creates an explosion in your slowly start becoming aware of your start repenting for not having safeguarded your things in the first place...little do you realize that now,it is too late...too late to mend...
And then like a shipwrecked person,you realize that you are drowning and clutch tightly at a little twig for dear life...hoping that some miracle would occur and it would take you safely to the still think that all is not lost...but little do you know that there is still more to come...
Yawn!Where in the world was I?Ooh!I had fallen asleep on the couch.My head was a bit better now but my body was aching badly due to the uncomfortable position I had slept in yesterday.Yawn!

Lazily,I glanced at the clock on the wall.Oops!11:30 already!I got up with a start.I still couldn't believe that I had slept till pretty late.It was almost noontime!I really needed to buck up if I wanted to attend the conference well on time.Why the hell did I sleep so late?Yawn!Speaking of sleeping late...wait a minute...I suddenly remembered my yesterday's late night unexpected meeting with my beloved.It seemed more like a dream than reality,now...and the last part of it seemed like a horrible nightmare.

"Susan!Come here." I called out to the maid.

"Yes Ma'am" she said hurriedly approaching me.

"Do you remember that yesterday someone had come to meet me?" I asked her doubtfully.

"Yes Ma'am" she said."And you fell asleep here itself,Ma'am.I tried waking you up but you wouldn't. I thought you were tired and decided to wake you up a couple of hours later."

Slowly reality sank in.Yesterday's meeting was not a dream nor an awful was absolute reality staring boldly at me.So,I would never see him again,I thought.But still a ray of hope crept once again in my heart as it always does when my thoughts stray to his and my heart said as it always had,"You can never tell,dear."

And then I decided that I would live my life as I always had as though nothing had happened.Wherever he was...I would just pray for his happiness and still hope against hope that some miracle would occur and he would be mine once he once was...


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