Its hard to say i want you .

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Kelsey's POV

Kelsey: "omg I can't believe this just happened". I say to myself. So there I was standing there naked . Speechless. I couldn't believe he took my virginity and I let him.. I can't believe he did what he did. But damn he sure did no how to do it good. I quickly started to get dressed and fix up in the mirror. Oh yeah shit I forgot I needed to pee. Tf did I do in the restroom before he came. I pulled down pantys and I noticed blood in them. Shit yep he sure did take my v card. Ugh I hope sunshine doesn't be mad.. I loved her to much to loose her. She's my bestfriend. And Knowin that we tell Eachother everything it's gonna be hard tryin to keep this away from her.

Suns POV:

*Damn where is Kelsey , she left me at the bar sitting alone.. Damn she's gonna so owe ME for this. I saw Sha and Sammie dancing all up on Eachother until this fine ass bartender walked up and said.....

Bartender: "what yo beautiful ass doin here sittin all alone?"

Sun: *he caught me by such surprise I turned around with a jump and I looked at him in his eyes and they were grey , he was lightskinned with his hair up in a bun , I got so caught up in his eyes I had forgot he asked me a question . I quickly said ...

Sun: "uh excuse me , thats no way to approach a lady if your trying to halla" I said flirting..

Bartender: "I'm sorry my lady"

*i then started to look deeply into his eyes*

Bartender: "Uhm is there something wrong"

Sun: "uh no , I'm sorry . It's just your eyes there so beautiful.! Uh may I ask Are they real ?"

Bartender: "yes , they are."

Sun: "oh"

Bartender: "btw I'm Christian but you can call me Chris and your name is?" He said kissin my hand.

Sun: "Sunshine . But you can call me sunny." I said flirting flirtatiously

Chris: "Hmm How About Sunny Delight . Sunny D For short...."

Sun: "hmmm I'll like that"

Chris: "alrighty , can I get You anything. ?"

Sun: "uh yes please. Can I have a bottle offfffffffff. Hmm"

Chris: "How about I surprise you since its your birthday and your sitting here all alone"

Sun: "Uhh how did you no it was my birthday?" I said lookin confused

Chris: "First your white friend ran up to you screamin happy birthday. And then not only that you have money on your chest"

Sun: *I looked down at my chest and smiled really big and said...* "oh , and did you call my friend white ?"

Chris: "yea that's what she is right?"

Sun: "ugh noooooo please don't call her that in front of her she gonna get pissed."

Chris: "then what is she?"

Sun: "she's cuban"

Chris: "oh damn well I'm sorry for judgin by color"

he says as we both bursts out Laughin..

Sun: "But may I ask , you said my friend ran up to me and screamed happy birthday. That happened a while ago. Tht means you had to be watchin me from a far. Were you payin tht much attention to me" I said flirting

*he then started to blush and said...*

Chris: "wellll Uhm see I have this thing where if I see a beautiful girl I'm gonna stare , sorry." He says looking into my eyes.

Sun: *giggle* thank you .. ?

Chris: " *he winked his eye and said..* aye I'll be right back alright , I'm FINNA go get YOu that bottle"

Sun: "okay" as I say with a big smile.

*he then walks to the back to get the bottle*

*i took the last sip from my cup. And looked around for Sammie and Sha they were still dancin lord they no how to go all night.*

*Chris then approached me with a big bottle of ciroc. I quickly took it and said "thank you SOOO much." And winked at him. He then said ..

Chris: "aye Ima give you my # and I want you to hit my line sometime is that cool .? Cause I gotta get back to work and I would really get to no you better"

Sun: "Yeah, That's Fine.." I said with a big ass smile on my face..

*He then wrote his # on a receipt and handed it to me. I put it in my pouch. And he walked off untying his hair smilin and winkin at me his hair fell down his back... And Idk why but I got turned on so quickly that I caught myself staring at him and I had snapped out of it and silently looked around to see if anyone saw me staring so hardddd. I then just grabbed my bottle and popped it and chugged some down as I popped a bar , I then got next to Sammie and Sha and started twerkin on some random fine blue eyed man....*


*kelsey walked up behind me and said

Kelsey: "Heeey"

Sun: *stopped dancin* "hey , where you been?!"

Kelsey: "uhhhhhh my stomach was hurting you no"

Sun: "ugh why didn't you tell me I could've held your hair up baby" I say grabbing her hand.

Kelsey: "Yeah your fucked up huh?"

Sun: "yeeeeeesssssssss , look at this fine boy I been danzin on." I say rappin my arms around him. And kissing him on the cheek .

Kelsey: "ugh yeah I can tell your fucked up your slurrin your words. Do you even no this dude?"

Sun: "noooo but I do no he fineeeee" I say as I start twerkin on him..

Kelsey: "please be careful"

Man: "yeah I got her"

Kelsey: "and don't try to pull no moves on her or ima beat your ass"

Man: " I don't even no you , who are you to say you gone beat my ass"

Kevin gates song I don't get TIERD then came on and sunshine yelled out ..


Kelsey: "just please watch her"

Man: "iight man I got you"

Kelsey: "what is your name anyways"

Man: "Justin"

Kelsey: "iight"...

Abels POV:

*as I stand over the crowd I could see sunshine look at me and dance on this nigga I'm not gone lie it was gettin me JELOUS but I was tryin to act like I didn't see until Kelsey walked up to her.. And rolled her eyes at me.. I rolled mines right back and mouthed "it felt so good" she then Shot a mean look at me and quickly looked back at sunshine.*

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