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3rd pov

Despite everything, and largely due to his personality, most people tend to forget that Roy is in fact an orphan, raised by his aunt. Roy does not want people to remember he's an orphan, because his aunt and her work are what let him get info without too much difficulty, though that's not in any way to say that it's easy. It's also because as much as he won't admit it, his aunt's brothel is in fact a safe haven for him, where he can let some of his mask drop. 

Maes and Riza both know that Roy is an orphan, often hanging around him on the day when it comes round that his parents decided to abandon him. They also know about his aunt and the entire thing he's got going on with them for information, because they're his best friends and if he can't trust them with this information, who can he trust with it? However, because of the fact that so few in the military remember that Roy is an orphan, they also don't realize that he is the person who can most sympathize with the Elrics. 

A father who walked away and abandoned them when the oldest was 6 and a mother that is dead that they would've done anything for, he can understand being abandoned and with the fact that some of the people he has known have been killed - he was not particularly close to them, but he still lost them - he can understand both of the boys, despite them trying their absolute best to appear as if they are not affected by anything. It's part of the reason why he gave Ed a goal to work towards.

There is no way for Roy to know that this would happen or he would've never gone to work. He had arrived to paperwork almost overflowing on his desk - for once not because he was slacking but because it is being handed off on him by someone above him - and a headache brewing behind his eyes. It had not arrived yet, but the paperwork on his desk tells Roy that it mostly certainly will be there soon and so he grabs the Tylenol before he starts working. It doesn't take long for him to get into a rhythm, even if he hates it, reading, noting loop holes and then signing where things are actually going to help, rather than destroy more of Amestris, because if the high ups are going to dump paperwork on him, he's going to use it to his advantage.

Most of his team are also busy working in the outer office, since the paperwork he'd be doing had been moved to their desks to compensate for the overflow on his, and all of them are in the zone, their concentration only breaking to look up when the door opens, quickly catalogue who comes in - a man and woman, basic self defense, not any danger, no weapons - before they get right back to work. The couple ignore the people in the office anyways, heading for the door to the inner area where they know the person they're looking for resides. Roy doesn't look up from the paperwork, just speaks as he reads the paper.

"Is there something I can do for you? I have no scheduled appointments and I can't recall having met either one of you, so if this is going to take a while, sit down on the couches. Otherwise, feel free to talk to me as I work, cause as you can see, I'm a bit busy."

"I see living with your aunt has most certainly not helped your manners like we were hoping it would."

That is the absolute last thing any of the people expected to hear - the door was left open, what did they expect? - and so they all stop working, sharing glances at each other before turning to the office in order to watch and listen to everything going on. Roy blanks, taking a moment for that to register in his mind as he signs off on the paper and sets it aside, finally looking up at the people who have entered his office. As he notes more and more things about their appearances, he can't help the rage building up inside of him, even as he remains calm outside. Then, after noting everything - the man and he are about the same height, with the black hair and grey eyes staring at him, the woman shorter with black eyes and brown hair, both pretty pale and neither looking all that happy to be where they are - he stands up and stalks around his desk, leaning back against it to face the people who abandoned him 28 years ago.

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