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3rd pov

The Team are all too aware of their leader's morals and the things he is willing to do in order to keep those under him as safe and alive as possible. They all know that he would willingly lay down his life, even if it meant rearranging their plans, and they hate that fact. They've all seen it, individual events for each member of his team, and this is how they went and how they decide to stop him or at least make him think about it, goddamnit!

For Fuery, it was not surprising, that he was being bullied. He's not weak mentally or anything, but he is physically smaller and weaker looking than most soldiers in the military. He's tiny, but there's nothing wrong with that and he more than makes up for it with all the muscle he has hidden under his slightly baggy uniform. Mustang even approves of it. However, that does not change the fact that Fuery is meek and shy as a person and bullies like to target people like that. He had been sent out real quick to get some part he needed for the equipment he's making right now - A strong, smaller comm unit compared to some of the ones he's seen around base - and he had run into some of the higher ranked soldiers on his way.

This would not bother him, but he knows this group in particular enjoy tormenting him just for being smaller and thus physically weaker because of his build. The leader - something like Gran? - snarls and whirls on Fuery as if he had slammed into him instead of just bumped into him lightly. The vindictive look in his eyes almost has the smaller man sighing, but he manages to hold it in. The hand that grabs his throat is new, however, and he grasps at it out of instinct, gasping for air as his throat is blocked, the hard wall meeting his back and pain blooming in the back of his head. The momentary stun gives the man time to - with a sly glance back at his men who slide closer to block the view - rip open his shirt, hands trailing in a weird way as he feels him up. Fuery tries to let out a sound, but the first hand has not moved and he is barely breathing. However, before the hand reaches his pants, tears having started to silently fall, footsteps start down the hall.

They're slow, purposeful, everything the group are trying to avoid. Fuery can barely manage to see through his tears, but he can see a black and blue blur. 

"Hello men, I do believe that is my subordinate you are currently harassing, so if you can free him before something happens, that would be appreciated."

He can't help the way he relaxed upon hearing his commanders voice. 

"And if I don't?"

"Well, I'm sure no one will question the sudden disappearance of a few military men. Just heat the flames to the right temperature and you start melting right into ash. Someone will mistake you for dust and you'll be cleaned up and dumped out like yesterdays trash. Is that what you want?"

Gran? seems to hesitate and then upon seeing a tiny flame that is steadily changing another color, he let's go and walks away, too scared to look back. Mustang waits to stop until the other soldiers are gone, before he turns to Fuery, dropping to his knees without heed for the pain and gathering the smaller man to his chest, easily covering him with his jacket and then picking him up, heading for the office. Fuery knows that if he had been pushed, Roy would've 100% burned those men to ashes without regret and taken the punishment.

Falman's is not as common, just some rather harsh comments from others. Some are bothered by the fact that he is so smart and every time he starts to go on a rant or talk, they either tell him to shut up, walk away or glare at him until he is uncomfortable enough to stop talking. Mustang had found out - don't ask, he always knows - and immediately started praising the man any time he gave decent information. After a while, Falman stops listening or being bothered when others shush him or walk away or even glare at him. The sound of his commanding officer's voice as he praises him, compliments him or thanks him overriding anything the others try to tell him.(Nobody needs to tell him, that if need be, Mustang would've easily beaten them and taken any punishment.) 

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