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(Ein's POV)

Eeeee, is almost Christmas and I am gonna celebrate it with Peirce. He was feeling a little better, and he wanted to do decorations. Fine, I wanted to do the decorations. We made our room full of lights and bells.

Peirce: Hey Ein, look what I found.

Ein: What is it?

Peirce: idk. Looks cool though.

I looked up and, it was a mistletoe?! And me and Peirce were under it. My face was red. He looked confuse. Well, obviously, he doesn't know what is a mistletoe!

Peirce: you ok there? Your face is red...

Ein: do you know what that is?

Peirce: no?

Ein: Is call a mistletoe, whoever is under it needs to......

Peirce: needs to what?

Ein: Kisssss............

Peirce: really? Why? Is it something for powers?

Ein: to be honest.. I don't know. Is for fun I guess.

Me and Peirce looked at each other. My face was still red. And same was Peirce. We both got closer and we kissed. I wanted to die.    (Fans: eeeeeeeeeee, they kissed omg, yes)

We stopped kissing and looked away. This is the last time I am gonna get near to a mistletoe. I hate it. I was starting to have a bleeding nose and now Peirce needs to take care of me. Reeeeeeeeeeee

-hours later-

Me and Peirce didnt talked to each other then he said..

Peirce: Well, can't wait for Christmas, aren't you?

Ein: Well, yeah. Something I have never done before and it was my first time after many years and I can have fun with you.

Peirce: Glad you are happy. Wanna make Gingerbread house?

Ein: Your on.

They both ran to the kitchen and made gingerbread houses. Well, I guess is the end. More will come.

Ein and Peirce Friendship 4everWhere stories live. Discover now