Chapter I: Disaster or Breaking the Status Quo

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TW/CWs: Bullying, Abuse, Name Calling, Partially censored T and F slurs (I can reclaim both), Swearing, Threats, implied Blood, Homophobia, Transphobia, Homophobic Joke, Nuclear Disaster, Injury, Anxiety, Tics, Mention of Death, Symptoms of Autism


"Oi! Freak!" A chillingly familiar voice calls from behind the sophomore at their locker. The press of high school students part to reveal the school football team, lead by their captain. As is their wont as brutes with the brains of monkeys deprived of oxygen at birth, the group of jocks have no tolerance for anything or anyone what doesn't fall into their limited view of how the world should work.

Unfortunately, this includes Ranboo, making them a favourite target of the boys with higher body counts than IQs. Generally, the lanky teenager can avoid them by simply avoiding their locker and navigating through the halls as quickly as possible.

Equally unfortunately, this strategy has not worked today.

"Leave me alone, please," Ranboo mutters attempting to dodge around the stocky bullies trying to corner them against the lockers. Despite being taller than all of them, they have the build of dry spaghetti and are hunched over defensively. This, along with their overinflated egos, insecurities and overwhelming daddy issues encourages the group of jocks to continue their harassment.

A jeering smirk is on the leader's face as he shoves the taller onto the dirt hallway floor, "Aww please the freak is so polite!" The final syllable is emphasized by a hard kick to their ribs.

"I just want to get to class," The heterochromatic teen mutters pleadingly, curling up protectively as the kicks continue, the other boys joining in. Pain shoots through them as a quiet crack follows a particularly hard kick, not that it's not something the teen is unused to.

"Just wanna get to class pfft fucking tr*nny freak!" The second-in-command of the jock's posse mocks, punctuating each word with a sharp kick to Ranboo's curled up figure.

From the press of students trying to ignore the events happening right beside them emerges a brunette sophomore who has a strange reputation of fear, rumors and respect that serve to protect him from the high school's bullies, "Oi dude there's no need for that language," His British accent, despite having lived in the States for years, is still as thick as ever.

The blonde football captain looks down at the other boy who barely comes up to his shoulder. Despite the reputation of the shorter boy, the jock is on a roll and instead turns to laugh at the brunette, "Weren't you friends with the freak?"

A hard expression flits across his faced to be replaced by the boy's usual caviler and slightly demented grin, "What are you talking about? Why would I be friends with them!"

Not noticing that this is an extremely sensitive topic – most likely due to his skull being so thick it impacts his brain size - the leader continues, dumb smile on his face as he looks down at the much smaller boy, "I dunno maybe you had a crush on him! You a f*ggot like him?"

"Real funny, Jared. Why don't you go to your next class before I make it impossible for you to move," The short brunette threatens, keeping a small smile on his face which only adds to his creepy vibe.

"Yeah whatever," Jared mumbles, shooting the boy a glare before stomping off with his friends, still laughing at the teen still curled up on the floor.

Ranboo gingerly picks himself up off the floor, gathering their books and papers to their chest. Looking at the floor, the teen glances over at their familiar savoir, "Thanks, Tubbo."

The brunette's glare is directed at the taller teen as he spits, "Fuck off, that's not my name dickhead," Before stomping off, forcing his way through the chaotic hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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