Chapter 6: Homework

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•No one's P.O.V•
Three weeks had passed since Tubbo and Ranboo talked. Tubbo was in deep thought. 'I wonder how he's doing.' He was zoning out that he didn't notice Tommy talking to him.


Tubbo snapped back to reality

"Sorry. I was.. Uh, thinking."

he apologized. Tommy squinted his eyes,

"Is it about that Ranboo guy again? You've been zoning out lately."

his friend said in a concerned voice

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you two become friends. Or maybeee"
he wiggled his eyebrows

"What are you talking about?"
Tubbo was apparently clueless of what Tommy is trying to imply.

Tommy frowned,
"Or just maybe you have a crush on him."

"What?? Me? Crushing on him?? Nahhh, I would never!"
Tubbo said in a defensive way.

Tommy just shrugged and said
"Tubbo you wouldn't fool me. I've known you for.. Like, since kindergarten!"

"He literally hates me. Me and my guts."
Tubbo muttered.

"Hm? You said something?"
Tommy asked while writing in his 'diary'

"Nothing important."
"Okay then. You can tell me anything, okay Tubs?"
Tommy gave him a warm smile and Tubbo smiled back

"Of course Tommy. You ARE my bestfriend after all."

Tommy whisper shouted.

"I forgot we had homework in literature!"
"Don't tell me you forgot to Tubbo.."

Tommy face palmed and groaned
"Ughhh great! Now I have more things to worry about!"


The bell rang indicating that break time is over.

"Gotta go now Tommy, goodluck to the both of us."
Tubbo said in a sarcastic way.

•Tubbo's P.O.V•
I did not know we had homework in literature. Well this is what I get for not paying attention to Miss Monika. I sat down at my table desperately trying to think of a 'haiku' poem (?) I kept on looking at the door to see if our teacher was there, thankfully she isn't.. Yet.

~3 minutes later~

I was still thinking and looking around to see if anybody else had done their homework.
I froze when I heard the door open..

"Good Afternoon, everyone! Before we start, let's check the homework I have given you yesterday. Please bring out your notebooks so I can see it." Miss Monika smiled sweetly and put her things down.

I cursed in my head. What should I do? This is the only time I missed an assignment! I hope she would let it pass..

I heard someone whisper. I turned around,
"Tubbo, did you do your homework?"
It was Thyra. She's another friend of mine when I was in 4th grade

I whispered back. I was still kinda annoyed of her.

"Did you do your homework?"
She whispered while glancing back at out teacher

"No, I forgot to do it. Now leave me be we might get caught."
I turned away from her direction and looked back at the board.

"Tubbo? Where is your homework?"

'Sh*t.' I thought

"Uhm.. My dog ate it..?"
It sounded more like a question.

"Oh ok. Make sure to pass it tomorrow okay?"
"Yes, ma'am.."

Finally an update, huh?

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for chapters

ALSO Merry Christmas to Everyone!!
~Emily, Out

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