Chapter 9: Christmas pt. 1

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•No ones POV•
It was the weekend and also Christmas day. Tubbo was excited to spend the day with Ranboo. It was their first time hanging out so he wanted it to be special. He got his phone and texted Ranboo.

Ranboo Beloved <3

You: Hey Ranboo! Merry Christmas!

Ranboo: Hey Tubbo. Merry Christmas to you too.

You: Where'd you wannt to go?

Ranboo: Wdym?

You: ??

Ranboo: Oh right. You're dyslexic . You spelled 'want' wrong.

You: Sorry bsois man

Ranboo: Ah yes. Bsois man.


You: Anyway. Where'd you WANT to go?

Ranboo: Idk. You pick.

You: Hm.. I heard they opened Christmas town again.

Ranboo: whats that

You: Oh its where everyone goes every Christmas. They shop there, hang out, go on dates, 'Santa' is also there. Its beautiful

Ranboo: K sure. Sounds nice.

You: Meet you there at 7 pm?

Ranboo: sure.

You: byeee

Ranboo: Bye bee boy

(Ranboo unsent a message)

You: I saw that ;)

Ranboo: shhh. Shut up.

Tubbo got up from his bed and went down to eat.

"Hey mom Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas to you to love."

Tubbo sat down and ate one of Lani's gingerbread.

"Hey!! That was mine!" Lani glared at him.

"Mom is making more you know" Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"When will you two get along.." their mother face palmed.

"Im naming this one 'Gingerbrave'" Lani said proudly.

"You're so childish" Tubbo said eating another gingerbread man.

"Shut up. I'm 13. What do you expect."

"Whatever. Oh by the way mom I'm meeting a friend at Christmas town, can I go?"

He asked his mom waiting for an answer.

"Sure love. Just be home early. Okay?"
"Okay. I'll be going at 7."
"Sure hun. Be safe."

Tubbo got up and went back to his room. He checked the time, 6:40 pm.

A Beeduo Story: ~Meant To Bee~Where stories live. Discover now