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Oisin had completely blacked out. He woke up to a pair of green eyes staring at him. He didn't remember much, all he could recall were his efforts to stay afloat until a very strong force tugged at him. Oisin then realized that he was in fact in the ocean. He immediately held his breath, unsure of what to do. He heard giggles. A petit girl with elfish features and silvery-blue hair was standing next to his coral bed. She was not a normal girl. She was human from the waist up and fish from the waist down. She was a merrow. Strange things had been happening to Oisin ever since he had visited the market. He pinched himself to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. 

"You can release you're breathing", she said in between laughs. 

Oisin realized that he could breathe normally as if he was on land. He flushed a deep red.

 "I am Cordelia, I was assigned to look after you", she held out her hand. Oisin shook it.

"Where am I?", Oisin asked his voice echoing.

"You are in king Muireadhach's (meri-duch) domain, in the kingdom of Coathas "

Again, Oisin couldn't help but ask questions. "How can I breathe if I am underwater?"

" A bubble of air has been created around your head. It keeps the water from entering your nose", she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

 "Well, it's not only you humans who possess magic, this-" she gestured towards the bubble"- is very ancient sea magic".

 Oisin simply nodded. 

"Where did you keep my friends?", Oisin questioned.

 "Do not worry they are safe. They are still resting", she replied. 

She began examining a bruise on his forearm. Oisin could remember very well where he had gotten it: The night Grandma had shoved him into the empty room. He had been angered by that. He knew that he would never end up like his Father. Now that he thought of it, he felt like a hypocrite. He had been blaming his Father for abandoning them, but what different had he done? A guard in silver armour interrupted his train of thoughts.

" It seems that you have recovered. The king wants to see you", he said in his guttural voice.

Coathas was undoubtedly the most beautiful underwater city, Not that Oisin had seen many, Multi-storey coral houses surrounded them. Mer-people went about by their daily routine. Most of them gave him curious glances. Colourful colonies of fish complimented the scenery. Pebbles of every size, shape and colour covered the sandy ocean floor. Oisin followed the guard, Cordelia trailing after them. As they went further, a large structure surrounded by steeples was visible. It glowed as if it was made out of pure gold. A large gate with guards on both sides guarded the palace. The guards immediately opened the gates. What he saw inside only added to his amusement. Seaweed covered every inch of land around the palace. The door to the palace was kept wide open.

The palace was as beautiful from the inside as it was from the outside. The palace walls were decorated with seashells. Precious pearls were scattered across the floor. A large throne stood right across the entrance, it was made out of gold, colourful gemstones embedded onto the rim. Next to it stood a smaller, equally beautiful throne. It was occupied by a beautiful merrow with floating golden hair. She sat with such grace that it made Oisin think that she was royalty. Other Merfolk entered and filled in their seats. Soon Niamh (Neev) was brought in by a guard then the blonde girl and finally the burly boy. Oisin made a mental note to ask them what their names were, referring to them as "the blonde girl" and "burly boy" that seemed inconvenient.

The conch horn blew. A man with a black beard entered the throne room. He rode in a chariot pulled by four great white sharks. It was king Muireadhach (Meri- duch) himself. The guards knelt at his arrival. He strode across the throne room and sat down, radiating power and command. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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