Chapter 10

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(Taehyung's pov)

Thank god chim forgave me. I don't know what i would have done if he did not.

"Between tae... Can i ask you something?" i nodded. "Umm i am sorry.. For your dad i mean."

I sucked in a deep breath closing my eyes. No. Tae. Fuck being weak. I opened my eyes and smiled slowly "It's alright hmm? Don't worry" he smiled at me nodding.

"Ok we should go inside and tell those fuckers to stop listening to our conversation" i nodded laughing. Did they really thought we didn't see them?

"Come on get out will you guys?" i looked at them. They slowly got out of their 'hiding spot'

"H-heyy guys! You were here? We didn't know" jin tried- i emphasize the 'tried' word to lie.

"Why were y'all listening to soulmates conversation?" chim said putting his hand on his hip. I copied him and glared at them- well- tried.

"Yeahhh" they laughed a little before looking at us awkwardly.

"We were kind of scared you kill Chim... " hobi said looking down. i faked gasp.

"oh my god chim you heard that? Killing my own bestfriend? God please forgive this lost soul for the atrocity he just said- nah never mind make him burn in hell" i said looking in the sky. Jimin burst out laughing while everyone else looked at me with wide eyes.

"Nope. Nope you ain't staying one more minute with chim" said Yoongi shaking his head. I smirked.

"And what ware you gonna do? Sleep on me grumpy cat?" i sassed. Jimin fell down clutching his belly.

"GOD TAE STAWP BAHAHAHA" i laughed with him.

"Nope can't do this is so fun no wonder you are always like that" i said falling down next to him.

"You guys are really something" said Namjoon.

"Indeed we are" Chim said recovering from his fit of laughter.

"You... *sighed* let's just go inside" Gguk said completely done as Kook shook his head.

"Let's go simp over those boys on Instagram." Jimin whispered as we tried to make a run for it but we both got caught by our boyfriends.

"Do what now?" Hoseok ask with a raised eyebrow glaring at Jimin as we were trying to get out of their grip.

"Go.. Uhh- eat ice cream" chim lied. I looked at him done.

"Soulmate. I love you. I really do but HOW THE DUCK ARE YOU GUYS SO BAD AT LYING." he just shrugged

"Do not try to change the subject beautiful. Shall we remind you who you belong to?" kook asked as his and Gguks eyes got darker. Oh fuck no.


i made a face of disgust.

"EWWW CHIM" we went inside with me still in Gguk's arms. "Come on now put me down." they shook their head bringing me to kook's room and throwing me on the bed.

"So now you look at other men?" Jeongguk asked. I shook my head. "Don't lie kitten" holly fuck- HOLLY FUCK.

"i-i am not lying"

"Are you sure about that?" jungkook said sliding his hand beneath my shirt and i sucked in a deep breath.

"Y-yes" Jeongguk came near me and i could  feel his breathe against the skin of my neck.

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