Chapter 1

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It was a bright sun day with a few clouds flooting over the see.

(Y/N) was on a quiet and simple patrol mission while flying a F8F Bearcat. Before he was about to change his course. There was was a static over the radio.


???: Reaper Lead, do you read

A/C: This is Reaper Lead. I read you loud and clear, Control

(The Control is a friend of A/C. I didn't give out at name for him. So think a name for him or just stick with Control)

Control: What is your status?

(Y/N): Area is clear of hostiles and there has been no changes since.

(Y/N has been on quite of patrols that nothing has happened or any activity)

Control: Roger that. You have permission to return to base.

Y/N: Roger that.

As Y/N was about to change course and head for home he spots a flight of unknown mechs flying below him.

(The video is 6:40 to 6:57. I know there not paramails and they the First Company of Death led by Zola)

As Y/N spot them heading the opposite direction he radio Control to inform him.

Y/N:Control, I spotted a flight of unknown mechs below me. Are picking them up on radar and what are my orders?

Control: Y/N we see them on our end. Your orders to follow, but do not engage. If your spot take action and us the clouds to your advantage.

Y/N: Roger that, Control.

Y/N change course and follow the unknown mechs behind from a far and keeping his distance.

As Y/N still following them a portal just appeared right front of the mechs a swarm of dragons were coming right out of it. Y/N was shocked and surprised before he take action Control contact him.

Control: Y/N, give me a status?


Control: Say again?


Control: Y/N disengage and get the hell out of there!

As Y/N was about to do that. He spotted a lone blue mech that got separated from the others and struggling.

Y/N: Control there's a lone mech that's out number.

Control: Roger that. Y/N be careful we don't know they are friends and hostile.

Y/N: Solid copy.

Y/N divide done into the fray.

Before the lone blue paramaiechl was about to be overwhelmed by the dragons. She saw a dragon charging right front of her.

???: SALIA. Over the radio

Before the dragon reaches her. It was killed by  barrage of led.

Every mech saw where that barrage of machine gun fired that saved their friend. As they look above they only saw aircraft they never see before and the emblem it has.

 As they look above they only saw aircraft they never see before and the emblem it has

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Salia: Who is this? In her thought

To be continue....

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