Chapter 2

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Arzenal Base

???: What's going on? Olivier, Hikaru, Pamela give me a status!

Olivier: Commander some unknown aircraft just kill a dragon that was charging at Salia.

Hikaru: The unknown aircraft have a strange emblem and symbol we have never seen, Commander Jill.

Pamela pop up a screen of the aircraft to show to the Commander.

Jill: What in the world is that and where did it come from?

Pamela: Ma'am, Captain Zola needs orders on the unknown aircraft?

Back at The Fight

Captain Zola and the girls watch as the Y/N's aircraft circle around. They were trying to think if the unknown aircraft is a friendly or just acting as a friendly then catching them off guard.


Jill(Over the radio): Zola this is Jill.

Zola: Yes, ma'am?

Jill: I want you and the girls stay focus and continue the attack. That unknown aircraft just saved Salia from being killed. We'll consider it as a ally for now. But keep your guard up.

Zola: Yes, ma'am. Alright you heard her girls keep up the attack.

Hilda: But Captain can we trust it?

Vivian: Sure we can it saves Salia. So it can trust it.

Ersha: I agree

Rosalie: Me too

Chris: Same here

As Zola and the girls pressed on the attack on the dragons. Y/N watch there back by firing covering the 6 and sides.

Y/N: Control can you try to make contact with them?

Control: What are you trying to do?

Y/N: I'm going to hail them a let them know that I'm on the same side as there's.

Control: Solid copy

After five minutes

Control: Y/N you are now able to contact them. Change your radio frequency to 35.7.
(Just got lazy and guess a name frequency)

After Y/N changed radio frequency he was able to hail them


Zola and Girls: Huh?

Y/N: Can***STATIC*** you hear me?

Zola and Girls Though: He's a MALE

Zola: Who are you and how did gain access to our comms?

Y/N: No need for that right now I'll explain everything later. I'm Y/N, I am on your side against your dragon opposers.

Zola: Thank you for saving Salia.

Y/N: it was apprivlage, but stay focused they are pretty pissed and won't go down with a fight.

Zola: Right! First Company of Death, attack!

As Y/N and the First Company of Death push there assault. Every dragon start falling from the sky every second.

Salia: Y/N watch out! You got a scuna behind!

Y/N take a base of action. Scuna was not letting go of its prey.

Zola: Rosalie and Chris get over there and help Y/N out.

Y/N: Negative, Stay put. I'm going to show my little trick on it.

(Video start at 0:42, and pretend the Mustang is Bearcat and the ME 109 is a dragon)

Zola and the girls were amazed on the trick that Y/N pulled on the scuna.

Vivian: WHOA! COOL!

Chris: Did you just see that?!

Ersha: I sure did. That was amazing.

Salia's Thought: Who is he? And we're did he came from?

After suffering heavy losses the dragons retreat to the portal that where they came out from.

Zola: Commander this is Captain Zola. The dragons have retreat and no casualties on our end.

Jill: That's good to hear. What about a mysterious male pilot?
(Yes Jill Alektra and the others heard Y/N voice over the radio)

Y/N: Control, the enmey has withdrawal throught the portal they came out of. Unfortunately, I don't have enough fuel to get home.

Control: Solid copy. You may have to ditch we'll send a search and rescue.

Y/N: That's the only option I have. I'll prepare for wat...
(Before he complete his sentence he was cut off by someone)

Salia: Wait! Y/N you don't have to crash into the ocean our base is just a few clicks away.

Y/N: Salia, right? I was not planning to crash into the sea. I was planning to do a water landing. Which I land my aircraft in the water and bail out before the water submerge the entire aircraft. And about this base is there enough room for me to land?

Salia: Yes there's enough room for you to land, beside our commander needs have a word with you anyway.

Y/N: that's understandable. Very well I'll accompany you base to your base.

Control overheard the conversation over the radio was worried for my safety.

Control: Are you sure about this?

Y/N: trust me

And so Y/N accompanied by unknown mechs head back to their base to Arzenal.

To be Continue...

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