I can explain

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Reader pov:

As Luffy smashed the doors open. He asked.

"Now which one of you is Arlong?!" As that happened, Arlong stepped in, claiming himself as Arlong.

"Good, then you can call me Luffy."

"Luffy? What are you supposed to be?" Arlong questioned him.

"A pirate."

 Then Luffy kept walking ahead after pushing aside some fishmen. Since that was happening, Arlong asked what a pirate wanted to do with him, and Luffy punched Arlong since he made Nami cry. Other fishmen want to attack him when Sanji came and kicked them away. When the rest of us came to help. As we came closer, they recognized Zoro and Ussop, and claimed Nami a traitor. They seemed to know me, but I didn't worry since they probably thought we were weak human to them as fish men. As that happened, it looked like Yosaku and Johnny kept making sure the people from the village didn't intervene in the fight, and Genzo probably asked why we're helping them, but Yosaku and Johnny probably said since Arlong made Nami cry. While back with Arlong, he only thought that we were there for her and only her. When Hatchi decided to take care of us with Momoo. As he called him, but it seemed nothing happened.was until he came, as he recognized Luffy and Sanji. 'Aww if only he wasn't that big and semi scary looking, although the grandline is even more scary.' I thought as Momoo looked angry and I didn't pay attention to what Arlong said to aggravate him. Next thing I see is Luffy sticking his feet in the concrete and throwing Momoo like nothing, which, knowing how he isn't surprising. He ended up taking down a lot of the fishmen but not all.

3 pov: 

While it may have seemed Luffy took down all the fishmen, there were some still standing up ready for action, and as they were about to attack them when y/n stepped in to take care of Arlong's "Lackeys". It may have looked like it could have been hard for her, but she was just messing around with them, and while y/n did that, Hachi over with the rest of the crew, spit his octopus ink at their direction, and it only landed on Luffy since everyone dogged and because he was stuck on the ground. Sanji and Zoro agreed they picked a pretty dumb captain to follow. Until Sanji continued, Luffy was respectable, since he was trying to help Nami. In the end everyone except y/n ended up fighting the same fishmen, and as that happened y/n seemed to smile in happiness at the outcome, even though she may have had a small heart attack when Luffy gets thrown in the fishmen's pool. She mostly knew what would happen, as Ussop ran away and being chased by one of Arlong's strongest members, and how Zoro would fight Hachi, as Sanji had half of his fight underwater trying to break the stone that Luffy got stuck in. Eventually, everyone had defeated their opponents, except for Luffy. Even Nami came back to see if she could help, although Arlong After noticing Nami's arrival gave her two choices, which was to stay with him and that she'd save her village by drawing maps, or he killed everyone on the island except her. In the end, she stayed with her village. 

Reader pov:

It wasn't long after Sanji went to save Luffy and it just brought chaos. ‘You'd think after 10 years you'd get used to this.’ I thought. Everything was going as it should have, such as Luffy trying to use swords,and using Arlong teeth to bite him back. That was, until I got the feeling to protect Luffy, as Arlong was going to bite his arm. But because of instinct I went to protect luffy and I ended up getting bit on shoulder. It only stung a bit, especially because of the padding protecting me, but the grandline in the second half is way more dangerous due to almost death experiences. The slight wound I received seemed to make him more determined to defeat Arlong since he wanted to help Nami and didn’t want anyone else to intervene. As he told me not to get into his fights, I understood him as my captain but as my younger brother, I wanted to protect him. After some time, Luffy was able to defeat Arlong and destroyed Arlong park. After the defeat of Arlong, the people who witnessed everything seemed to be ready to spread the news that Arlong was defeated. As well as when Nezumi tried to claim the treasure Arlong owned. It wasn't long after Nami made him give her, her treasure back after being beaten. I being tired of his shit and kicked him near his boat. It wasn’t long until the village started celebrating, meanwhile me and Zoro were being taken care of by Nako. The first in the crew to find out what I actually looked like was Zoro. After getting stitched up wounds and both of us getting scolded by Nako.

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