Little garden

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Reader pov:
The next morning was as normal as it could be, such as breakfast and cleaning around. Later on our free time, I decided to draw characters that we might meet. Luckily everyone is just doing their own thing. Not long after some time there was a gigantic dolphin! I thought that it was just in the opening but apparently it still happened. Luckily we managed to get away from it and we were close to little garden.
When we were at the edge Viv warned us to be careful especially with what miss all Sunday said, meanwhile I listened to what Sanji and ussop talked about.

"Y-y-you don't think there are monsters here, do you?"
"Beats me." Sanji responded to ussop.
"There are no monsters but dinosaurs! So everyone welcome to Jurassic Park!" y/n interrupted and sang the theme. As she finished the entire crew looked at her like she was crazy. As they later stared at Luffy.
"Oh Wally does that! It's pretty funny because it doesn't make sense."
"That's where your wrong! Only people who understand memes get it, but that's just me." And it wasn't long until she looked depressed.
"I swear he's crazier than Luffy. How the hell does he have 150,000,000 berry bounty? It makes no sense. I swear he said something stupid to scare the government! Seriously, he's never even been on the front page of the newspapers yet people keep talking about him. At least we can relax since he's not as bad as what I've heard so far. And he seems to at least get a brain around you." Nami whispered to Vivi as she saw how y/n was making a fool of herself. Not long after, Nami got scared when she saw a tiger collapse, and y/n pointed it out to luffy on how they used to try to get tigers in dawn island. Which ended up giving Luffy an idea to ask Sanji to see if they could get the tiger, which immediately disagreed with. Back with Nami, she was deciding with Ussop to just not leave the ship due to what happened to the tiger earlier. Later after they had stopped in the merry near little garden, Luffy seemed excited to explore. It ended up giving y/n the idea to join Luffy since she knew Vivi would be there and she could clear things up.

Reader pov:
It wasn't long until me vivi and Luffy were off the ship going around the island. When we ended up looking around, as not long after we felt the place shake and later saw it was a dinosaur.
"A dinosaur?" Vivi yelled in shock
Not long after Vivi started explaining why some islands were the way they were until I interrupted her around the end.
"Vivi he's not listening. Honestly the moment he said awesome to a dinosaur he's been gone in his mind the whole time." I said as I poked Luffy.
"Dinosaur!" Luffy said as he shot himself towards the dinosaur.
"Is he insane! Do something!" Vivi yelled at me.
"Oh it's not that bad he's done worse."
I said as Vivi just stared at me for a while, and she tried to get Luffy down from the dinosaur by yelling at him to get down.
Watching this in reality made me feel a bit scared, especially how reckless Luffy is but excited, But it wasn't long until he got swallowed. Right then and there I felt like I was about to lose my little brother, and so I had to take off my mask and cloak that I was wearing. It was heavy fabric and it slowed me down and the mask didn't let me breathe that well.
"Luffy!" I yelled as I started climbing the nearest tree towards him when Dory saved him. I felt relieved when I saw luffy. Then I heard luffy introduced us to dory.
"Those two over there are Vivi and Karoo, and over on the tree is Wally!"
"Wait he's up the-"
Right there I could see Vivi's face when she saw me, it was not what she expected and she seemed confused. And I noticed I messed up, I shouldn't have done that and may have probably messed up a few things, at the time I didn't realize I forgot a few things that should've happened. Meanwhile Luffy got Dory to invite us to his place. Before we left I jumped down and got my stuff and made it into a bag. Not long after Dory picked us up and took us to his place. During the little trip Vivi just stayed silent. All I could think at the moment was how to explain this.
"Hey Vivi I was going to tell you, but I- I didn't expect it to be like this. I'm going to tell the rest of the crew but later." I turned off the voice modulator and kept talking.
"And I'm not a guy, and my name's not y/m/n but it's y/n actually. I know you probably have plenty of questions and I should get ready when I do tell the crew."
"I'm sure you have your reasons. People don't just do that all of sudden I mean I did infiltrate baroque works." Vivi responded
"Yeah you are right I do have reasons which are around my knowledge and family, but that doesn't matter. I'm just glad it's going to be easier."
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"No it's fine I just wanted to make things clear and especially on what nami yelled the other day." After fixing the situation Vivi agreed not to say a word. And everything was going great, such as Luffy and Dory having a great chat, while we ate until he realized I wasn't wearing what I wore as the masked ranger.
"Wally, you're not wearing your mask!"
"You just realized congrats you have a brain cell!"
"So can I have it to put on nami when she sleeps!"
"Wait so he's known but hasn't told his crew?" Vivi interrupted.
"No it's up to Wally to do what Wally wants."  Luffy responded to Vivi
It wasn't long until Dory had to fight Brogy while they fought. I decided to put my mask and cloak back on. everything seemed to be going how it should have.
After some time, Dorry came back with 2 barrels of drinks from merry that Brogy brought and everything was fine when I remembered what happened next.
"Don't drink it!" I yelled as I jumped up and kicked the barrel. But due to contact it exploded and apparently some liquid was already in Dory. I ended up underestimating the blow but I did it to make sure it wasn't as bad as cannon. Everything was going so fast Luckily I had turned my voice modulator back on but I was knocked out for a bit. By the time Ussop came back I was up and Mr 5 and MIss Valentine had just arrived with a beaten up karoo. They kept saying how karoo wouldn't talk, it pissed me off, thinking about it I didn't hesitate to attack Mr 5. I gave him my one sword style raining slash where Usopp shot his attack combining both to make it rain fire. It seemed like I had gotten Mr 5 off guard but Miss Valentine dropped her self on me and ussop.
"Man you're one fat bitch!" As I said, she just put more weight specifically on me. While Mr 5 shot his explosions at Usopp but hit me as well, and they later took Vivi. And left just like that. Luckily it wasn't that hard to get out thanks to karoo.
While getting up Luffy asked
"Usopp... Can you forgive them?"
"Absolutely... Not…!" He said as he seemed to be in more pain than me.
"You guys... Are annoyed at this too…!?"
"You… Have no idea!" I said as karoo quacked. Meanwhile standing deep in the dirt, instead of Karoo trying to get out Lu I see Luffy digging himself out as karoo moved the dirt. And it wasn't long until I wasn't deep in like a plant.
"Hey ussop, you got anything in your bag I can use as a blindfold?"
"Yeah.. actually, but it may have some gunpowder residue. What are you going to use it for?
"You'll see soon enough, let's just go!"
I said and ran as karoo was already ahead of us.

Later in another area of little garden, Zoro was ready to cut his feet off. When it wasn't long until he saw three people and a bird scream.
"You there! Get ready to get your asses kicked!" Luffy said as he and ussop flew across with karoo. Meanwhile y/n shouted at a specific swordsmen.
"Zoro! Don't you fucking dare cut your legs off I don't want to deal with your idiotic ideas!"
"I wasn't going to do something idiotic! I was planning to win. And what's with the blindfold!"
Just when y/n was going to explain the blindfold Luffy interrupted them.
"Let's do this Ussop! Wally! And bird!"
"Got it!" They said as karoo quacked and they seemed ready to fight. As Nami was telling Nami to get the broque agents ussop told Brogy that they'd avenge him, while y/n explained that the blindfold was because of specific training she put on herself and to see if she'd improved. After her explanation she got in a fighting stance. Due to that situation it started to change things in the story again and the broque agents were more alert.
Especially since Mr 3 seemed to have some knowledge on y/n, more specifically as the masked ranger since they had connections with powerful pirates which made his focus on her. Since everything was going different then the broques expected they quickly changed things. Mr 3 there started by trying to attack y/n. Which y/n dodged due to observation haki.
'Why did he attack me first! I'm not the main character Luffy is! Fuck!' as she thought and came to a conclusion that it was the author's fault. And as y/n was distracted with fighting with Mr 3, Luffy thought that the blindfold was see through and it was to trick the enemy, while the rest were in awe of how she was fighting. She used her swords and ran as fast as she could to get out of her situation and ended up kinda trapped.
"Hey luffy let's switch!" Y/n said as she was currently trapped in wax as Luffy had just taken down miss Valentine. But in the background Mr 5 decided to shoot her with y/n with his explosions, but Ussop in the background seemed to notice and when Mr 5 was about to shoot y/n Ussop and as scared as he was at that moment seemed more scared on losing y/n since she seemed as strong as luffy or stronger. He had a feeling she was important to their survival, even though back when she told them that she knew the future he wasn't sure but took it as a joke but he knew he'd had to wait and see. And due to the impact of the explosion Ussop was worse than he should have been in combat. Not just that the heat of the explosion also made the wax that y/n was trapped in softer.

Reader pov:
I realized that I messed up worse than before. When I felt Mr 3 attack me, and how miss Valentine seemed to passed out due to her presence not really near by in the background since Luffy seemed to have gotten her, to where I felt ussop take the blow for me, and I only wished that this wasn't the outcome. But it really pissed me off that Ussop ran to help me! It should have to be like this. That's where my breaking point was, until I heard the wax pillar break and not long after, Luffy seemed to beat Mr 3.
"You did it, Luffy! Now hurry up and destroy this candle!" Nami later said as Luffy got up.
"Now's not the time for jokes! Hurry!"
"I don't wanna."
"Luffy! This isn't the time for one of your idiotic antics!" Zoro cut in.
"Luffy, please!" Vivi asked as luffy responded
"Meh, just not in the mood to save you guys." And nami questioned what happened, as I immediately knew the moment I heard
"Colors... Trap!"

I lost a bet so that's why that's the image on top, flying-turtles is the one I blame. Doesn't matter anyway I feel like I took forever to write this but I did get sick earlier and I usually write on my free time so I can't have a good writing schedule. I also think I finally know what oda feels like. Let's just say drum, and alabasta there will be be changes and there's so many timelines I just don't know what direction things will go. Plus I'm just gonna post here since Wattpad seems to have more readers reading this then AO3 Anyway if you guys ever have questions about this story please ask and I'll try to answer. I'll also probably fix this later because I feel tired so have a good day/night.

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