Boom! Thunder cracked and lightning flashed outside The Girl's window. She watched, mesmerized, as the forest trees swayed and danced to the wind's song. She often did this during storms, just sat at her window and watched it rage on. She found it calming.
The little house shook with the storms fury, and a small old woman who lie in the bed that sat next to The Girl, woke abruptly.
"That's some storm out there, isn't it Girl?" The old women had long forgotten The Girl's name. In fact, no one really knew her name. Even The Girl had to remind herself of what it was sometimes. She nodded.
"It's quite stuffy in here, why don't you open the window a bit?" The Girl nodded at the old woman's request, grabbed the bottom of the window, and yanked it up. The cold wind pushed into the room, making The Girl shiver and draw her long, red riding cloak tighter around her. She wore the red cloak everywhere, everyday. Even though she had got it when she was quite young, it was still big on her, and when she had the hood up, her face completely disappeared under it. And she always had her hood up. All anyone could see was her long, golden locks flowing out from the sides of the hood.
"That's better." The old woman said, and in seconds she was asleep again. The Girl just looked at her for a second, watching her chest rise and fall. She didn't get how she could sleep so soundly at night, especially after what had happened. The Girl sighed, and laid down in her bed. She stared out at the storm, trying to let the thunder lull her to sleep. She prayed that when she did sleep, her mind would not again let loose the memories. The blood, the screams, the pain. Every night they came. Every night she tried to stop them. But she couldn't. So, slowly, The Girl drifted off into a fretful, restless sleep.