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Ruth Foster

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Ruth Foster

I heard her loud and clear, but I was going to make her pay. I can only go to the selected amount of locations, but I only need one to ruin her. I don't understand why she needs this anyways. In no sane world does she need a whole shopping mall to herself. I can't help but wonder if she ever just goes and takes everything for free, because she owns it, or if she's still required to pay like everyone else.

"You must be Amiri," I speak, "To the mall."

Once there, It didn't take long for me to start spending the black card Orion gave me. I bought expensive purses, heels that I'll never wear, a few nice-looking dresses, and a whole bunch of other shit that I don't need, but had a hefty price tag.

"Are you sure you don't want anything?" I ask Amiri, who is just sitting across from me in the food court, and just watching, "It's good. Don't knock it till you try it, pal." He only shakes his head at me. I can tell that he doesn't speak much, but I still attempt to butter him up. If I do, I can at least get intel. Any little piece of information can help.

I know that If I ask her, she'll just lie.

"Oh, come on. It's the least I can do. Orion told me that if I tried to get you to take me anywhere that wasn't on her list, she'd kill your daughters. I just want you to know, I'd never let that happen." This is the one thing I'd never lie about caring about, the safety of innocent children. "She's a psycho."

His eyebrows raise once I mention the daughters, and then I realize, "That little bitch," I scoff.

I put my French fry down, and a mischievous grin appears on my lips, one that causes him to raise his eyebrows again, "Let's shop," It was on now.

• • •

I finally manage to push the door open, and drop all of the bags on the floor. Amiri came in after me, both arms flooded with shopping bags. It didn't take long for Orion to come down the stairs, and wonder what all the noise was. She came running down with a gun in her hand, ready to fire.

I throw my arms up, "Honey, I'm home."

"Jesus," she rolls her eyes, and slightly lowers the gun. I watch her place it in the back of the leather pants she's wearing, pants that highlight her figure completely. I never noticed how curvy she is, but how could I? I was too busy trying to not die.

"That's a lot," she walks towards me, motions something to Amiri, and then he leaves.

I nod my head, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" Her eyes narrow.

I shrug slightly, "I spent all of your money,"

A chuckle erupts through her. It's a sound that I never thought I'd hear. For a woman who causes so much destruction, her laughter is complete bliss.

"You didn't spend all of my money, you fool." She continues to laugh, "Was this your idea of payback? Trust me, darling. Buying a few Chanel bags won't hurt my wallet. You should've just spent more." This should enrage me, but it doesn't. I like seeing her smile like this. As stupid as it sounds, I like it way much more, than her threatening my life.

"I will," I reply in a matter of fact tone, "And I'll yell at you later for being such a lying bitch," Her hand suddenly grasps my wrist, and pulls me closer.

"What did you call me?" She asks.

My breath hitches, "A lying bitch."

Her grip on my hand tightens, "Ruth Foster, In what way have I ever lied to you? Tell me." I can't.

Then I remember, "Amiri. He has no children."

"Or no wife," Her lips curve, "But my threat still stands. If I find out he took you anywhere other than the places I said, then I'll cut his balls off. No children then, and certainly no woman."

"And for me?" I ask, "What would my punishment be, if I were to make him? If he's getting his balls cut off, then surely I must have to get something."

"You get me," Her words linger, "That's enough."

She lets go of my hand, and takes a look at all of the shopping bags on the floor, "Anne," she calls.

Anne comes running down seconds later, "Yes, Madam." Anne catches my eye, then doesn't.

"Help Ruth take these up to her room," Orion orders, "And if you need help, you may ring one of the men. In no circumstances should you interrupt me. Do I make myself clear?" Anne nods.

Orion walks back up to what I'm assuming is her office, leaving Anne and I to deal with the bags.

"I'm sorry," I apologize, "If I knew she would have you carry all of this, I would've went lighter on the shopping. I also got you something." Her eyes don't meet mine, and she continues to ignore me.

"You're not supposed to speak to me, I know. The last thing I need, is for you be punished because of me. But I might lose my mind in here without a friend." It feels pointless speaking to her, but I continue to do so. For minutes, I chew her ear off, right until we finally finish putting the bags in my room, "Thank you. I appreciate you, Anne."

Before she can walk out of the door, she pauses, and turns around, "You said you had something?"

I nod, instantly picking up the bag I knew had what I got for her inside, "It's for your daughter," I pull out a pink furry bunny headband, one with glitter splattered on the ears, and hold it up for her.

"I'm not sure how old she is, but I just thought this was nice," her head nods, and she walks up to retrieve the headband, "I hope she likes it."

"How'd you know I have a daughter?"

I guess you could call it a gut feeling. I've learned by now that my intuitions never lie. The way Anne was there for me when I got here, and how I could tell by the look in her eyes, that she was scared.

Scared for me. Scared for who she was imagining in my place. In her mind, if not me, her.

Or someone close to her, like a child.

I knew she had to have some type of family, family that Orion can hold against her. A son, no. Anne is too sweet. I think everyone knows that you have to have some real balls to deal with little boys.

In all honesty, it was a mere guess, but a daughter is what I concluded, "Just a feeling, you know?"

Her huge smile while looking at the pink headband is all I see, before it all eventually fades to black.

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