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Orion King

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Orion King

I don't think I've ever ran this fast in my life. Not from bullets, not from people trying to kill me, and not for anything. I never run. I always make it a habit to face my shit head on, and held high. Running is an confession of weakness, but here I am, running away from our wedding, with her, and father forgive me, but I'm so fucking weak for her.

Ruth king, my wife. "Where to?" I ask as we hop in the car. I decide to drive her myself, so we can get some alone time. It's all I want these days. Alone time, with her, no one else around. I find it peaceful when it's like that, just us, just me, and my Ruth. I knew from day one that I shouldn't let her in, give her any reason to believe that I care for her, but now that's all I want, "Never mind, I know a place."

I want to let her in, give her any, and reasons to believe that I care for her.

Driving to get to where we're going, would take hours. Ruth doesn't seem to mind though, her head is glued on the window, watching whatever passes by. "I think she would've loved seeing you in that," I speak out, and eye her wedding dress. I turn my eyes back on the road, wouldn't want to crash the car because I'm too busy admiring how beautiful she looks, "Your mother. I think she would've cried on a day like this, watching her little girl grow up."

Ruth nods, "She would've written about it too."

"Yeah, that too," I agree, "Which reminds me."

"Reminds you of?"

I smile, "Your wedding gift."

"Wedding gift?" Ruth tilts her head back in a sigh, "I thought the letter was my gift. You shouldn't give me anything. I didn't get you anything. I didn't know we were exchanging gifts, but even then, it wouldn't make sense for me to get you a gift bought with your own money." She's right, but all that's mine is now hers. I can tell it'll take time for her to understand that, or just come to terms with it.

"I know what you can give me."

Her eyebrow furrows, "Which is?"

"Let me be the one to take the dress off of you," I can't help but ask, "If it's not too much to ask."

A smile appears on her lips, "We'll see."

• • •

My family has owned this cabin for decades. My father took me here once. We shot together, and he even gave me a beer. It was five months after the Manhattan job. The trip to the cabin was my reward. Ever since then, I've never been back.

Not until now. "This is the master bedroom," I show her to the room where we'll be staying in, "You can take the left side of the bed, as always."

For hours, we do nothing but lay. It's not even dark out, but we can't seem to want to get up to do anything else. I'm still in my tux, and she's still in her dress. Im glad she didn't choose one of those puffy ones, the ball gowns that can't seem to fit anywhere. I've always hated dresses like that.

"What happens now?"

I raise an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we're married. This changes things."

"How so?" I question. Surely this does change things within my organization. Ruth is more involved now, which makes her life valuable to me, and a threat to my enemies, but between us, nothing has changed. I still feel for her the same way that I before, and that won't change. Not now.

"I know you," She says, "At least I think I can read you now. You don't like commitment, or people in general. You value your work more than you value the lives of others, as well as your own. You like being in control, having power. You married me for that power, and control. Now you have it, so it changes things. What happens when you wake up one day, and realize that my life is no longer worth anything to you, and that I'm better off dead?"

I shake my head, "That day will never come."

"Yes it will," No. For the first time in my life, this is something I'm a hundred percent sure about. She's the first life I wouldn't dare take, and would kill anyone who tries. "You'd chose you over me."

"I would rather take my own life, than have anything happen to you." I mean every word, "Ruth, listen to me. From now on, it's you over me, okay? It's us over everything." Another truth.

"Us over it all," Ruth holds out her pinky.

"I'm not doing that shit," I roll my eyes at her, slightly laughing at what she's trying to do. "I'd much rather do a blood pact than pinky promise."

"Well, do you have a knife on you?"

I roll my eyes again, and hold out my pinky. I connect mine with hers, sealing the promise. "Us over it all," I confirm, "And I'm never doing this shit again," Ruth laughs at me, but I'm serious.

Another few hours pass, and we're still dressed from the wedding. My phone has been blowing up with messages, mainly from Atticus telling me that I shouldn't have left, and everything else is from Adonis telling me that I'm pussy whipped.

Shit, maybe I am.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom," Ruth announces, and hops out of the bed. "Where is it?"

I point straight ahead, "Through that door."

"Your bathroom is in the room?" Her eyes widen in amusement, "That's rich shit," She laughs.

I nod, "Have you forgotten who I am?"

After laughing, and slightly insulting my wealth for a minute, she goes to use the bathroom. "It's been like ten minutes, are you dead? Should I go in there?" I call out, "I'm starting to miss you."

The bathroom door opens, and she comes out.

"I know I said I would let you take it off, but maybe you'd rather take these off instead," She speaks in a low seductive tone, as she stands in nothing but white lace panties, and a matching bra. Fuck.

I'm definitely pussy whipped.

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