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Ruth Foster

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Ruth Foster

I woke up to an empty bed. I'm not surprised since she had to go handle business with her brothers, but I am surprised at the last thing she said. "This, Ruth. This is me being weak." I wonder what she meant by that, and why she feels the need to be rude to me one second, and then play the good guy the next. It's infuriating, she's infuriating.

A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts on Orion. I doubt she'd be back this early. I know she's still out, but I slightly hope that it's her knocking. Ever since I first laid with her at that hospital lookalike room in the warehouse, I haven't been able to sleep without her. I'll never tell her that.

There's nothing to tell. "Come in," I call out.

Anne walks in, a bowl in hand. "I brought you this, just in case you were hungry," I give her a smile as she walks up and hands me the bowl, which I immediately accept, "I'm heading out for tonight. There's guards downstairs to protect you until Orion comes back. Do you need me to stay?"

"Protect me from what?" I raise an eyebrow.

She ignores my question, "Do you need me to stay?" I want to say yes, but that would make me selfish. I can't have her staying here when she could be cuddling her daughter, or actually living.

"No. Go home to your family, Anne." At least one of us gets to go home, and she should. If I was her, I'd leave town, change my name, disappear somewhere where doesn't know, but somehow, she would. There is no escaping a woman like her.

Anne gives a hesitant nod before walking out the room, and I'm alone again. I don't mind being alone, but it's what's happening that's bothering me. Right now, she's doing something illegal, stealing. I heard her mention it at the meeting. It bothers me how she has no care in the world for her life. No care for who she hurts, or impacts.

People would kill to live comfortably like this, and yet, she's taken advantage of everything she has. It's clear that she only cares about taking the lives of others. It's frustrating that she's taking mine.

I pull out my mother's journal from under my pillow, and begin to read it again for the hundredth time. Her words bring me comfort, and sanity.

I thought in all my years of living, that I've heard it all. I always thought that by the time I reached age twenty four, that I'd be diagnosed with cancer. My mother had it, my sister had it, so I was born to have it too. Bred to have it. I always thought I was cursed. I always felt like there was something wrong with me, with my body. It was hard to put into words, the feelings that would oftentimes overwhelm me when I was trying my hardest, to not feel. The greatest gift god has ever given us is the gift to not feel, sadly some of us haven't mastered it, but I think I have. I mastered it so well that I felt nothing when I was told I was pregnant, and that having a child would kill me.

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