"We need to talk"

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Simon tells Wilhelm they need to talk.

"Of course come in" Wilhelm told him.

"I'm sorry, I understand why we can't but I want to be with you" Simon said.

Wilhelm's eyes widen. He was in utter shock and pain.

"Simon,We can't." Wilhelm stutters.

"I know I just needed to tell you"

Wilhelm looked down,looked back up at him and looked angry.

"Did you and Eskild break up? Is this why?" Wilhelm asked.

"No, I knew we couldn't be together there was no point hurting him."

"Simon, I find this a bit rude. How can you do this to Eskild? He seems nice"

"Nice? You have never spoke to him"

"Very brief but we did, I know he knows about us but It doesn't bother me. Astrid knows so why can't Eskild?"

"Do you even like Astrid?"

"Not romantically but I don't even know who I am myself yet, but Simon I can't be with you"

"I know" Simon spoke.

"I don't know what to say. I still love you"

Simon looked up

"But it's not fair on Eskild and could ruin my reputation"


"Yes reputation"

Simon rolled his eyes turned around and left. Wilhelm understood why but locked the door behind him. Simon clutched his chest and fell to the floor crying. Wilhelm sat on his bed breathing uncontrollably and hurt. Simon left as he heard people leaving rooms and didn't want to be caught.

Authors note: This story is finishing in a few chapters as I've been wanting to start my new Story which is an original story!

I've only wrote fan fiction so doing this will be extremely hard but fun. I hope once it's released as many people who would like would read it. Thank you for supporting me through Maybe Regret and Why and When.

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