0 0 0

65. c. The square root of 64 is 8.

66. d. The symbol “!” means factorial, which is theproduct of that number and every positivewhole number less than it; 5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 ×1 = 120.

67. b. Divide the total number of hot dogs (400)by the amount in each package (8), to get thenumber of packages; 400 ÷ 8 = 50.

68. d. Begin by adding: 12 ounces + 10 ounces =22 ounces. Since this is not an answer choice,convert to pounds. There are 16 ounces in a pound, so 22 ounces is equal to 1 pound and 6 ounces.

69. b. Change the hours to minutes: 1 hour 40minutes = 100 minutes; 1 hour 50 minutes =110 minutes. Now add: 100 minutes + 110minutes = 210 minutes. Now change backto hours and minutes: 210 minutes ÷ 60 =3.5 hours.

70. d. Multiply the number of members (35) bythe average number of bars per person (6);35 × 6 = 210.

71. a. To answer this question, subtract eachamount of purchase from the $58 she startedwith; $58 – $18 = $40 and then $40 – $6 =$34. She has $34 left.

72. b. Add the amount of miles for each daytogether for a total of 696 miles; 696 roundedto the nearest ten or nearest hundred is 700.

73. c. To find their total score, add their individual scores together: 189 + 120 + 120 + 95 =524. Don’t forget to add 120 twice for bothCharles and Max.

74. c. You must subtract the reading at the beginning of the week from the reading at the endof the week: 21,053 − 20,907 is 146.

75. c. The values added together total $618. If youchose answer a, you forgot that the value ofthe handbag ($150) must also be included inthe total.

76. b. This is a basic addition problem: 108pounds + 27 pounds = 135 pounds.
77. c. The total value is $5,525. It is important toremember to include all three telephone sets($375 total), both computers ($2,600 total),and both monitors ($1,900 total) in the total

78. b. Add the value of the 3 sweaters (3 × 68 =204), the computer game after the rebate(75 –10 = 65) and one bracelet (43); 204 + 65+ 43 = $312.

79. a. This is a two-step subtraction problem. Firstyou must find out how many miles the truckhas traveled since its last maintenance. To do
this subtract: 22,003 − 12,398 = 9,605. Nowsubtract 9,605 from 13,000 to find out howmany more miles the truck can travel before it
must have another maintenance: 13,000 −9605 = 3,395.

80. d. This is a problem of multiplication. Theeasiest way to solve this problem is to temporarily take away the five zeros, then multiply: 365 × 12 = 4,380. Now add back the fivezeros for a total of 438,000,000. (If youselected answer choice a, you mistakenlydivided when you should have multiplied.)

______________________________________SET 6

81. c. First ask how many inches are in one foot;the answer is 12 inches. Now multiply: 12 × 4= 48 inches.

82. c. This is a basic division problem: 46 ÷ 2 =23. Rajeeve is 23 years old.

83. a. This is a two-step division problem: 2,052miles ÷ 6 days = 342 miles per day; 342 milesper day ÷ 2 stops = 171 miles between stops.

84. b. Shoshanna’s three best (that is, lowest)times are 54, 54, and 57, which add up to 165.Now divide to find the average of these times:
165 ÷ 3 = 55. If you got the wrong answer, youmay have added all of Shoshanna’s times,rather than just her best three. Even when the
problem seems simple and you’re in a hurry,be sure to read carefully

85. d. To find the average, divide the total numberof miles, 3,450, by 6 days: 3,450 miles ÷ 6 days= 575 miles per day.

86. c. First find the total hours worked by all sixnurses; 8 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 12 = 54. Then findthe average by dividing the total hours by the
number of nurses; 54 ÷ 6 = 9.

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