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Tw: swearing and my replies were pretty...bleh

Do i ever wish i was something else? Of course i do, i feel like almost everybody feels that way at some point 

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Do i ever wish i was something else? Of course i do, i feel like almost everybody feels that way at some point 

Nickname? Junie, Jun-Chan, Juni-Chan, Juncifer, Juci(?), Junister, Junny, Junny Bunny, Jun Jun, Juno, Juna, Nippy, Nipper, June-Bug, Juneberry, Sniper, Sho, and many more-

Ever dyed my hair? *looks at my half-black half-green hair* no

Eye color? Uh...green? Idk

Am i comfortable in my body? Hell no-

Piercings? Mhm

What am i really bad at? Communication 

Am i generally nice person? I guess

One thing i think about a lot? Allister and I's arguments are constantly on my mind, even after they've been solved and are in the past

Least favorite word? Greasy- like ew

Favorite word? Tenderly

Do i ever smile at strangers? No?

A reason I've lied before? Idk

Have i kissed someone older than me? Yep

Are looks important? In society, yes. For me? Not really

Would i date someone off the internet? Probably not, because i don't wanna show my face or give out my phone number lmao-

Ever cried over a boy/girl? Yep

Am i giving up on someone right now? I guess so

Ever liked my best friend? I have..and then we did a very minor friends with benefits thing..it didn't get sexual though..

Do i get jealous easily? Yeah ig

Ever cheated? Don't think it counts because i asked Allister and it was only a game anyways 

First concert? I feel like I'd get too overwhelmed </3

Do i fall in love easily? Apparently 

What's my type? I hate having a type, personally speaking ofc..

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