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Tw: nothing...? I mentioned Lucifer actually-

Also I like that picture above, reminds me of Coraline for some reason

Also I like that picture above, reminds me of Coraline for some reason

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Who has the biggest influence in my life? Idk lots of people

What makes me laugh? Stupid people lmao-

What's my favorite place in the world? Uhhhhhhh- Allister's house? I haven't been many places-

Favorite movie? Edward Scissorhands, he's so clueless ehehe

Pet peeves? Being interrupted 

What should you know about me that you'd never ask about? Uh idk- you should really just ask i don't care. But uhhhhh, I have to take breathing breaks sometimes when I kiss people —or currently Allister—because I forget to breathe 💀 I mean I forget to breathe anyways but- 

Yeah honestly if you have questions just ask

Do I have nicknames? So many please- 'tis okay though, I like them. Here's a list:



Jun Jun 

Junny Bunny



Juni-Chan/Jun-Chan (recent)

Juicyper (I- dirty friend Emery gave me it-)

Juncifier (like Lucifer- it's okay I don't get offended easily and we all got them so-)

Jupiter (firstly accidental and then it became a thing)

There's more but-

Favorite teacher? Ms. Hatcher obv

What do I hate most about the dating process? Idk man-

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