Chapter thirty one

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Keefes pov

When I got home with everleigh the first thing I did was place her in her crib then I fell to floor and cried. I cried by the bars of the crib while poor everleigh lay in her crib confused. After a few moments I pulled myself up to look at my baby. I hadn't had the strength to look at her cause I was over powered with my emotions of Sophie. I picked everleigh up gently her little hands in fist and her eyes closed tightly. She was crying I hadn't notice she had been due to my own tears.

I quickly went down to the kitchen with her in my arms to prepare a bottle. I had made a mess with all the formula but somehow managed to get a bottle prepared. She was whaling loudly as I made my way to the couch to feed her. Once the bottle touched her lips she calmed and then her eyes opened.

There she was... she was beautiful her soft peach fuzz hair the same shade as the sun. Her little red nose and her beautiful eyes. They weren't brown like Sophie had thought but they weren't blue either her eyes seemed to be a perfect mix of the two. She was perfect.

The next few days were filled with messy feedings improperly put on diapers and eye bags. Everleigh barely slept through the night and seemed to hate drinking from a bottle. It felt as though I was doing everything wrong my hair was unwashed my limbs exhausted and I had a headache that hadn't gone away since we got home. Right as I was about to call edaline to say I give up elwin called.

"She's awake....."

I practically screamed with joy only to remember the finally sleeping baby in my arms. I quietly placed her in a baby swing while I packed and diaper bag. I nearly forgot Everleigh as I ran out the door

Sophie's pov

It was bright and the light stung my eyes as a headache began to form. It took me only a few seconds to realize where I was since I had been her a lot. I was in the infirmary again. But this time was different. I slide my hands across my now deflated stomach and fear ran through me.


"Woah woah Sophie it's okay you're okay"

Elwin where is keefe and where is my baby

"Hey hey relax"
He placed a hand on mine

"She is at home with keefe"
My eyes widen

"And before you freak out edaline gave him the run down on newborn care"

We both chuckled lightly as I breathed a breath of relief. They were okay

"Would you like me to call him or should I give you a minute"

Call him please I want to see them

"Of course Sophie"

I waited in the room for a bit before the door swung open

You're awake! I mean really awake!

I see keefe standing there with a goofy grin
He was holding what seemed like a stuffed tote bag and a baby carrier. He's shirt was stained and wrinkled and his hair was a mess.
But he had never seemed more attractive.

I am

He breathed a light breath then made his way over to me carefully placing the bag and carrier down.
Then he kissed me it was light but full of love when he pulled back I felt my cheeks grow warm.

Ha look at that I can still make you blush

Oh shut up

I said as I playfully smacked his arm
He gave me a goofy grin and then just stared at me

What? What is it

Nothing I.. I just missed you is all

That's when it hit me how long have I been out. I know keefe felt my anxiety cause he lightly squeezed my hand to bring me back

Hey hey you weren't unconscious for long just a few days and me and ev were okay

I smiled at his cute nickname before I replied

Oh really is that why you are wearing the same shirt you wore when I last saw you

He was quiet for a minute

Well I mean I- it has been kinda hard there is only so much I can do for her. I mean she missed you too Sophie

My face fell a bit

May I see her

Yes of course
He smiled big as he went to get her

She is beautiful sophie just like her mommy

He placed her in my arms. She was so little one of her little hands latched onto my finger. I smiled at her she was perfect. Her light blonde her that seemed to reflect light and her soft snore that made her nose crinkle. She was so cute so amazing so-

What color are her eyes are they...

I saw keefe shift his feet a bit. Which made me nervous

Relax Sophie I- they aren't brown
I started to relax a bit

Well I mean not completely


they are more of a hazel you know a mix of brown AND blue

Oh no this is all my fault I ruined her I-

Just then her eyes opened and a feeling of warmth flew through me. They were remarkable I had never seen eyes her color before and in that moment I didn't care that she was different cause she was so beautiful

I felt keefe rap his arm around me and he cuddled against me and our baby. Our perfect baby.

"Look at you guys such a beautiful family" I looked up to see me mother and father staring at us from the door

Hey mom hey dad

"Hey Sophie how are you"

I am doing okay dad actually I'm better then okay

I looked up at keefes face and he smiled brightly at me. I gave him a soft kiss then placed one on everleighs head.

I had never felt happier. I had a loving family and I was determined to give everleigh that same love that I felt.

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