Chapter seven

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Sophie's POV

"Hello elwin nice to see you" Biana said it with a smile and acted as if what was happening wasn't

"Well I would say nice to see you as well Biana but you are with sophie so what's going on" he gave a concerned look and I couldn't breathe he must have noticed how nervous I looked because he walk over closer

"Sophie are you okay what happened" he said it and I just wanted to cry but I held it back

I am okay elwin well hopefully

"Elwin what is the age of the youngest elf to ever have a child" Biana said it with a softness to her tone at first elwin seemed unbothered by the question

" oh the youngest elf huh I think about 40 because we normally wait about hundred years" he seemed calm and didn't get concerned until he looked at me

"Um why do you girls ask" he raised an eyebrow but kept his gaze on me I couldn't breathe

"We were just curious elwin and um is it dangerous to have a kid at any younger age" Biana seemed to start to become nervous as well

"Well um I wouldn't know but I do know that she had a very hard pregnancy because our bodies develop differently so her body wasn't mature enough for it to go simply now will you please tell me why you are really asking" he kept looking back at me and Biana she just gave him a sad smile and then he looked deeply in my eyes and I couldn't stop it I broke down


"What?! Sophie you are only 18 I don't understand what happened"

I don't want to talk about it just please tell me it's impossible my parents will kill him they will

Bianas POV

I saw Sophie breaking down she collapsed to the floor and I put my arms around her elwin had a mix of furry and sympathy in his eyes he started going through books and cabinets I followed him into a room

"Elwin will she be okay she is so scared"

"I don't know Biana she should have been more careful what even happened who is the possible father why does she think she is pregnant"

I explained the party to him and he grew more upset I tried to calm him down then I said the father would be Keefe and that Sophie thinks she is because she is late on her period
He looked concerned

"Biana why would you throw a party"

"Sophie wanted to feel like a teen again I didn't think this would happen"

"I need to see Sophie I will give her the test then see how everything goes okay"

"Okay elwin, just please don't be mad at her she is already so stressed and no one knows about this not even Keefe" with that he looked sad he knew Sophie was in a ruff state so we both went to get her

She was still crying when we went back out there

Please tell me this can't happen please

"I am sorry Sophie but it can so I will give you a test now and I need you to stay calm okay I will be here for you though I am disappointed in your actions you are also an adult so I can't control you"

I understand just please find out

I saw the worry in Sophie's eyes I felt so bad for her what is she going to do

Sophie's POV
The test took a few minutes to process but I know it wasn't a good answer when elwin gave me a sympathetic look

What does it say

" are pregnant" when the words came out of his mouth my heart stopped

Biana looked sad for me and just held my hand and Elwin went through some cabinet's I didn't move or react I couldn't I didn't know what to do

"Sophie since you are so young I want you to take these elixirs I will contact edaline on other procedures" when elwin said that it's like I woke up

What no you can't tell her you can't tell anyone

"Sophie you have to tell people at some point especially Keefe" Biana said it with a nice smile and Elwin shook his head in agreement

I know I do but they will hate me especially Keefe he doesn't even want kids and my dad will hate me and I just can't

I started to cry but I saw elwin and Biana share a look before I completely lost it and I knew they felt bad

It had been an hour since I found out I was carrying a child I had officially calmed down and Biana and Elwin were just sitting and staring at me

"Hey Sophie you dont have to tell anyone now but I if you haven't told your parents in two months I will because I want to make sure we have constant eyes on you because you will be starting up school again next week and I won't pressure you to tell anyone else but you have to tell Keefe he is the father and he needs to know" I understood what elwin said and I was glad I had time before I told my parents but I still wasn't ready to tell Keefe I can't do that to him our relationship was just getting normal

I understand and thank you I will take the elixirs but I want to wait a bit before I tell Keefe I promise I will before the end of this month just not today

"Okay Sophie I trust you and I want you to come in every week so I can check on you and the baby okay"

Okay elwin thank you

Biana I would like to go home can you tell Keefe I am okay and just had a girl problem

" okay Sophie I will see you Monday at school"


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