4. We can go to my room

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Semi reached for his phone turning off the alarm before he realized something.

"Shirabu didn't wake me up. That's odd."

Just as Semi sat up, Shirabu's mother came out with a stressed look.

"Oh you're awake Semi. Sorry I won't be in your way."

"What's up? You look really nervous."

"Shirabu's sick. I know he's old enough to care for himself but I don't want him to pass out or anything with no one home. I'm trying to see if maybe his dad or step dad could come but they're working too."

"I could watch over him." Semi suggested. Shirabu's mom considered it before she left to her sons room.
"Okay, only if you won't miss anything important today, and you follow his rules."

Semi nodded with a big thumbs up.
"Don't worrry Ma'am! I'll be-"

"Shit I'm running late. Make yourself comfortable and keep my baby safe. Or else."  She said before leaving.

Semi was surprised a little, but should he really be?

Wondering how Shirabu was he went over to his door and knocked lightly.
"Shirabu? Are you okay?"

"I don't know? Does it..." he paused coughing quite loudly.
"Does it sound like I'm okay?"

"No...well  do you want anything? Need anything?"

"I guess just..." Shirabu paused and Semi was expecting another cough. But instead of that, it was Shirabu running out of his room, to the bathroom. Semi followed and kneeled down with Shirabu as he puked his guts out. A little hesitant at first, he placed his hand on Shirabu's back and rubbed circles.

"You'll be okay." Semi said quietly trying to comfort the shorter boy.

It was working.

Finally when Shirabu stopped, he leaned back against the wall.
"That fucking idiot."

Semi just chuckled before he grabbed some toliet paper for Shirabu to wipe his mouth with.

"I fucking hate this shit."

"I can make you something like I said I would. What do you like."

"That's unnecessary. I don't need your-"

"Too bad! You're getting it. Cause I care about you okay? I want to make sure you feel better. Let's see if you guys have cough drops or something...oh look here!" Semi found a bag and offered him one.

Shirabu slowly took it from his hands. He could feel the warmth of Semi's hand, and he left his hand in Semi's a little longer then needed.

He took the cough drop and thanked Semi. Semi gave him that same smile.

I don't know why, but it's really nice to see him smile like that.

"Here, I'll help you over to the couch! Then I'll surprise you with something! It might take a while though, so you can just rest or watch tv." Semi said offering his hand to Shirabu. Shirabu took it, and Semi pulled him up off the floor, almost falling himself.

"Pfft dummy." Shirabu muttered before he started coughing again. Semi just chuckled before he led him to the couch.

"There. Uh...can I feel you're forehead. You look pretty red."

"...s-sure..." Shirabu muttered, a little unsure if he should of said yes. Just as he was about shake his head, he felt Semi's hand on his forehead.

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