chapter 3!!!

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Lincoln pov

As we finished lunch I heard a phone ringing so I go up to see a name saying rarity so I scream out for mum

Lincoln: mum your phone is ringing!

As I said that both of them came out it turn out to be rainbow hair ones phone so she picks up and starts walking off but I was curious so I asked my other mum two things

Lincoln: mum what do I call you since we got two mums and who is rarity?

AJ: uhhhh call and two she an friend of me and mum

Lincoln: ok

That all I said and walk off to luna who was on her phone bet she talking to her girlfriend lol

Lincoln: hey luna are you talking to your gf again

Luna: Lincoln stop!!! That ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Lincoln: I'm telling the truth though

As I said that I heard a voice which I assume was sam

Sam (through the phone): luna you should just tell him he guessed it already so why you hiding it?

Lincoln: :0 I was right! Yay


As I was cheering sam had to go so he hang up so luna was left to be embarrassed by her self until mum came upstairs

Rd: guys we are going to the mall BC I kinda told my friends that we are adopting you and now she wants to see us

Lincoln: ok

Rd: I will tell the others now bye

Luna/Linc: bye

I ran to my room which is like next door to luna so not really running but I go to my room put my shoes on and for some reason I wanted to wear something different so I decide I'ma go get new clothes because I'm not Lincoln loud I'ma Lincoln- uhhhh idk but anyways so I going to keep one pair and give the rest to people who need them yea but anyways I ran to Leni and lucky me she had something that fit me so I put it on and I look like this

I ran to my room which is like next door to luna so not really running but I go to my room put my shoes on and for some reason I wanted to wear something different so I decide I'ma go get new clothes because I'm not Lincoln loud I'ma Lincoln- uhhh...

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(Just the outfit)

I say I looked nice so I walk out of my room and head down stairs

Luna: wow trying something that not orange

Lincoln: new me new style

Rd: sooo your going to buy new clothes?

Linc: yea but I'm giving my old ones to charity so it's not bad?

Rd: sure I was not going to say no anyway

After that everyone got in the car and drove to the mall and when we finally got there I was getting more curious on how they look but we had to wait since ma was getting Lilly put of the car and into a stroller

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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