chapter 2

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AJ(hmm... I like these girl maybe I will take them)
AJ: I know which kids I want
Rita:w-which kids
AJ: Lincoln,Tom boy girl, rock girl , the baby , goth and the fashion girl
AJ:yes you guys :) now get packing and meet me outside with Lincoln Oki
GLS: okay /Oki
GLS*goes upstairs*
Lincoln:*goes with them*
Rita:w-what why my baby's!
AJ:because they care about your son and don't just leave him outside to die they wanted him inside
BLS:no we wanted him inside to *lieing*
AJ:I know your lieing I'm a expert at seeing the truth and what is a lie
Rita:s-she not lieing girls *sobs a little*
BLS:but how?!
AJ:that is something that I will keep to myself
BLS:why can't you tell us were family-

Just then the GLS and Lincoln come down ready with there stuff well not for Lincoln he just helped pack Lilly's stuff.

AJ: are you ready to go
AJ:ok let's go

At the car

AJ:(puts the girls stuff in the car)
AJ: ok hop in kids
Rita: *runs outside* wait!
GLS/Lincoln and AJ stop to turn around to see there mum/sis
Rita:give me my kids back or I will call the police!
AJ:well I can tell them about what you did so shut up!
AJ:that what I thought!
AJ:now get in kids :)
*The kids hop in*

30 mins later

AJ: where here! :)
GLS/Lincoln:*mouth drop*
Luna:this is your place dude?!
AJ:yep now let's go to my wife / auntie
Leni:your lesbian?!
Lana/Lucy: that cool/nice...
AJ:thank you oh and we should be hopping out right now
GLS/Lincoln:ok auntie Aj
AJ:(they called me auntie :) )

Inside the place
Rd:hi Apple!!!- um AJ who are they?!
AJ: oh sugarcube that is my niece's and nephew and they will be living with us
Rd:like permanent?!
AJ:yes permanent
Rd:what is wrong with your sis that you had to take them away?
AJ:oh she left her son outside and make these girls scared to let him in because my mum said they will beat them up if did what a bitch- wait does that mean we can adopt them and they can be are kids! :)
AJ:*blushes*uhhh I never thought of that
AJ:well do you want to be are kids?
GLS/Lincoln:yes! *Smiles*
Rd:awww there so cute
GLS/Lincoln:thank you
AJ:well I'ma go show them there rooms now bye sugarcube *Kisses Rd forehead*

After showing there rooms ( the rooms are in the introduction )

AJ: so that's it
Lucy: *writing a poem* does anyone know what rhymes with pie
Lincoln: ummm lie, die, tie and umm Wie I'm not sure if that even a word
Lucy: thanks Lincoln I'm going to me room now bye 👋🏻
Lincoln: bye👋🏻
Lucy: *disappear*
AJ: does she always do that?
GLS-lucy/Lincoln: yea that normal
AJ: ok well I'ma head off now bye 👋🏻
GLS-lucy/Lincoln: bye 👋🏻
Luna: well I'm going to my room now anyone wants to come?
Lincoln: me!
Luna: ok let's go
Lincoln: ok
Luna/ Lincoln *they start walking off *
AJ pov

As I left the kids I start to walk to Rd

AJ: hi sugarcube
Rd: oh hi Apple how is the kids
AJ: there fine, so what have you been doing while I was with them
Rd: simple I want to go now and adopt them and get them some stuff
AJ: how about later we want them to settle in Rd but we I can and get them lunch while you can talk with them
Rd: ok Apple
AJ: bye 👋🏻
Rd: bye 👋🏻

When apple jack leaves

Rd pov

Ok so now I have to talk to the kids that are soon to be my children as I walk up the stairs I see a girl with sunglasses on her head so I decided to talk to her

Rd: hello
Leni: hi
Rd: so what's your name
Leni: oh my name Leni and if I'm right your going to be my mum
Rd: yes you are
Leni: sorry if I sound dumb at points mum I'm not the smartest person
Rd: it's ok Leni but what do you like
Leni: oooo I love fashion
Rd: wow I guess my friend would really like to hang out with you
Leni: really!
Rd: yep
Leni: ooo I can't wait to see her
Rd: well I'ma meet your sisters and brother now bye
Leni: bye

As I walk away I see a door open and I walk in to see another sister and the brother

Rd: hello
Luna/Lincoln: hello
Rd: so what's your guys names
Luna: I'm luna
Lincoln: and I'm Lincoln
Rd: do you guys all start with the letter l?
Luna: yea but idk why that letter
Rd: ok well that good to know but anyway what are you guys doing
Lincoln: oh she calling her girlfriend sam and also playing on her guitar
Luna: ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ s-she not my girlfriend!!!
Lincoln: sure but that will change later though
Rd: well luna if you ever need help on the guitar you can ask me since I always played the guitar since I was little
Luna: thanks mum
Lincoln: yea thanks mum
Rd: ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ w-well I'ma head off now bye
Luna/Lincoln bye

Luna pov

Luna: I know your gay Lincoln ( my au )
Lincoln: so?
Luna: how aren't you embarrassed?!
Lincoln: I thought it was kinda obvious like when was the last time I liked a girl?
Luna:.......yea I'm dumb
Lincoln: it's ok sis

Rd pov

As I was walking around I see and I guess the rest of the children hanging out so I walked up to them

Rd: hello girls
Lucy/Lana: hiii mum
Rd: ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ so uh what are you guys doing
Lucy: we are teaching Lilly how to talk
Rd: can I watch?
Lana: sure
Lucy: so Lilly try saying mum
Lilly: muba
Lucy: hmmm say ma
Lilly: ma
Lucy: now ma again
Lilly: ma
Lana: now put them together
Lilly: mama!
Rd: yay you did it Lilly
Lilly: mama ☺️ *points at Rd*
Rd: ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄  omg why are you guys so cute
Lucy/lana: idk
Rd: so-

Then suddenly you can here a knock on the door

Rd: I will be right back

As I walk down stairs I open the door to see my wife there

Rd: yay your back
AJ: yep I'm back in just going to put the food on the table
Rd: ok I will get the kids

As I walk upstairs i see them all talking to each other so I go up to them

Rd: AJ is back with lunch
The kids: oooo I wonder what mum/mama got
Rd: *grabs Lilly* let's go down stairs now
The kids: ok mum/mama


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