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The dress was cute, it was very cute of course but what wasn't cute was the fact that it kept flying up multiple times. The wind didn't really agree with Zolas outfit this night, she had to keep it down with her hand or else it would come up and show her goodies.

Every time it came up Hoseok would giggle almost every time, knocking his head back with amusment because of the look of her face.

Minus the malfunction, the resturaunt that Hoseok had taken her too was super nice and looked very expensive so Zola was betting that food was going to be fifty-fifty.

While they waited for their food to come Zola runs her hand through her hair soft hair- her brand new deep conditioner doing her wonders- the view all around her was absolutely stunning. Instead of the place being inside the setting was in front of the ocean, every one being able to just eat and watch the waves dance in the sea at the same time and Zola couldn't be happier to be here.

Meanwhile, Hoseok has his elbow on the table while leaning his head on his palm gazing at the pretty woman before him. Although they didn't have much of a conversation he still felt comfortable enough with just being quiet, the occasional giggles when the couple make eye contact. He doesn't talk instead just watching Zolas side profile as she stares off into the ocean, admiring the view, seeing her he couldn't help but to smile softly at the fact that she could take in anything and just let it set in. Running through his mind was the curve of her jaw that he wouldn't mind tracing his lips across the skin and marking it up until she was covered, he was attracted to the way her eyes twinkled from the moon staring back at her also making her pretty brown skin glow.

"Baby." he says quietly but Zola still catches it. Slowly turning her head, not necessarily wanting to look away from the view but she does anyways. When she does she sees him already smiling at her, his hair almost covering his eyes causing her fingers to twitch in need to move it out of the way so she can see them clearly.

"Hm?" she lets out a hum in question, hands still holding down her dress in caution as the wind picked up a little. 

"I love you, Zola."

She wasn't expecting those words. Yes she had heard them hundreds of times but there was something in his tone that she couldn't quite put a finger on but it sure did cause her to blush as her chest exploded with emotions. Embarressing enough, she feels her cheeks start to heat up when a wide genuine smile rises on her face. He made her blush.

Pushing her curl behind her ear, Zola looks down suddenly not wanting to make eye contact with the cheeky man. This doesn't last too long when she feels her chair being pulled towards him, Hoseok had grabbed the bottom of her seat just to have him close to her, a knowing smirk on his face.

"Can't you look at me?" He teasingly asks, "Heyyy, I'm talking to you baby."

Looking up, her cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so hard.

"Stoooop." Zola whines, pushing at his face when he comes closer in her bubble. She enjoys it though, no matter if she was pushing him away, secretly but not so secretly wanting to pull him back.

Hoseok grabs her hand tugging it towards his lips, giving it a gentle kiss all while smiling sweetly at her.

"Why? You know you don't want me to." He said playfully, "I love youuu."

With that Zola finally gives in, a cute laugh escaping her lips. Eyeing him, Zola brought back his hand and did the same thing except her own lips linger a little longer before pulling back.

"I love you too, handsome."

Just in time, the food that they have been waiting for, especially their stomachs, which was growling, was on its way. The sight of a good looking waitress who already had a dazzling smile on her face was making her way to them, both hands professionally balancing both their large plates. Zola still wasn't used to going to expensive places so that meant that she didn't exacty know what to order because most of the time she didn't even know what half of the menu was, so hopefully without anyones judgment, Zola ended up with a simple dinner which was just a a large steak and shrimp and potato and their roasted asparagus as a side.

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