Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


I didn't mean to stay the night. Well, to be completely honest, I wasn't really thinking when I jumped on the first available flight, either. Usually I can make concrete decisions based on careful thinking, but not when it comes to her. She throws my mind in scramble. This girl laying next to me, fast asleep, is a force. She doesn't even realize the effect she has on people, honestly.

I don't know how long I've been awake. Possibly three hours, maybe more. I can't sleep knowing she's next to me. It's like an invisible force field that's drawing me back and forth. It leaves me restless, which explains the lack of sleep. I rub my eyes to try and rid the sleep from them and groan when it doesn't work.

Maybe I should get up. Yeah, that sounds good. Plus, I really need to use the loo. So, I climb out of the bed and making sure that I'm careful to not disturb her. I walk out of the room and close the door behind me with a click. A sigh runs through my body as I realize that I have no clue where the bathroom is.

"It's the door to your left," a voice interrupts me from my thinking.

I glance up to see Mia eating a bowl of cereal. "Thanks."

"No problemo."

I make my way towards the door and cut the light on. It blinds me at first due to the fact that I have sleep still in my eyes. I don't even bother glancing in the mirror because I know I look like a zombie. It's when I'm zipping up my pants that my cell phone begins to ring impatiently in my pocket. I groan loudly, knowing exactly who is on the other end. One look at the screen confirms my suspicions, and I brace myself as I touch the answer button.

"Where the actual hell are you?" the voice says, which causes me to wince. Damn, I'm in deep shit. Huge, deep shit.

"I'm currently a plane flight away..." I say, trailing off as I hear the person growl.

"We are worried sick here, get back now."

I'm in so much trouble, it's not even amusing. Louis wouldn't even find this funny, and he finds literally everything funny. "I'm on my way." 

The phone clicks dead, Zayn not even bothering to say good bye to me. I sigh loudly and slide my phone back into the back pocket of my jeans. I just got here and now I have to face Kelsey and tell her that I have to leave. She's probably not even awake yet. Oh well, at least I came. At least I showed her some compassion, unlike the other members of our band. Well, particularly one individual.

I walk out, finding Mia gone and the sound of running water coming from the opposite end of the apartment. I make my way over to Kelsey's room, and she's still passed out underneath the covers, her blond hair sprayed across her face. Now that I take a moment to look at her, she is a beautiful girl. She looks absolutely peaceful asleep against the pillow. It's the cutest thing I've seen, and the thought makes me think of her.

A course of a sharp, stabbing pain runs through my body; but, it doesn't make me feel any different. I'm so use to the pain that my body doesn't even react to it anymore. Who knows, maybe I'm becoming numb. I honestly think it would be best if I did. It would help deal with all the hate and the rumors, the boys questioning glances when I don't bring her up, everything.

"Hey, are you okay there?"

I snap out of my train of thoughts to see Kelsey sitting up, rubbing her eyes. She lets out a yawn, her face turning into an unattractive expression. I chide myself on thinking such a thought, but I've always thought that yawning faces are unattractive. Except her's. God, stop it, stop thinking about her for goodness' sake.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a call from the boys. I'm needed back at the venue," I tell her, scratching the back of my neck. Honestly, the tone of Zayn's voice has me feeling extremely guilty, but I let it slide off of me when Kelsey gives me a worried face.

"You need to go, I know the boys are worried sick," she tells me.

"Yeah, it'll be okay," I respond knowing that I have to leave, but I don't want too. It's been so long since I've had a normal day to myself that being her makes me feel so rested and at peace.

But I have to go.

Kelsey Corter 

I watch as he walks out the door, a small frown on his face as he waves goodbye. As soon as I shut the door, an empty feeling begins to settle in my stomach. My first thought is that it's because I'm starving, but another part of me thinks its because he left me. Sure, I hadn't expected him to stay for a whole week, but still. 

I smell the eggs before I see Mia cooking them. I practically float over to the counter and hop up on a stool and watch her do her thing. Mia loves to cook, a lot more than I do, and her eggs are to die for. She hands me a plate and fork, the eggs sliding off the spatula onto my plate.

"Thanks babe," I mumble as I begin to inhale the eggs. Seriously, the best things ever to grace my mouth. 

"No problem," she responds. "So, how are you and-"

"We're okay," I say before she can start. I know it was rude for me to interrupt her, but I don't want her to ask any questions because I honestly don't know the answers. I'm confused enough as it is.

"Well sorry I asked."

I frown. "No, it's fine. I just don't know anything anymore."


"Like," I begin, but pause to chew on my lip. "I like him, but I don't know which one I like more. A part of me wishes Harry had come instead of Liam. I like Liam, but I feel like it's only as a friend. Plus, I still love Harry, I know I do."

Now Mia frowns and crosses her arms across her chest. Oh lordie. "Even though he's ignored you, hasn't called or texted you, and not to mention completely ruined your night by kicking you out for not being easy, you still love him? I doubt you love him Kells, I think you love the idea of him. He's no good for you."

"Excuse me? I thought you were my best friend, you're suppose to be supportive of me," I hiss at her. Honestly, how can she say that to me, knowing how much I care about Harry? Sure, he did hurt me, but I moved on from it, I forgave him. Why couldn't she do the same?

"I am your best friend, that's why I'm trying to help you by telling you he isn't good for you."

I huff loudly. "I don't wanna hear this," and storm back into my room. 

Mias put me in a shitty mood. Honestly, she should be more supportive of me, not try and give me a lecture like she's my mother. I crank the temperature of the shower higher and hiss as the scalding water hits my back. Why do people see me as such a child sometimes? I love Harry, I know I do. Why do people keep saying that he isn't good for me? Yeah, he has a shady history, but... I can change him. I can make him want to change for me, I know I can.

Besides, Liam just isn't like Harry. Harry is so cool and sexy, and Liam's.. well, he's not. He's nothing like Harry, and he will never be like Harry. I wish Mia would cool off and not bring Liam up all the time. It pisses me off more than it should, I know it does. Him and Danielle just broke up, why does Mia think he'll want to have anything to do with me?

I wish Mia would realize that I can't be lucky like her. Her and Zayn are all loving and I swear they should date. I won't have something like that, that's just not my luck. It's not who I am; I don't think I even deserve to have something like that.

God, this sucks.

Apologizing hugely for taking so long to post this! I hope you guys enjoy it, drop a comment to let me know your thoughts, and a vote never hurt :)

I should have the next chapter done faster than this one, but I'm working on this story and two other's, so I honestly have no idea how long, but I will keep ya'll posted!


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