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He smirked. "You're very smart, Hayoon. If i really know where he was I'll definitely tell you about it. Also do you think he'll still be here after founding out that his son got caught?".

You stare at him. You didn't thought about that. He's right. His dad probably escaped the second he found out Sunwoo got caught. That's when someone knocked on the door. "Come in". You said.

Two bodyguards entered the room. They bowed at you. You also slightly bowed.

Guard: You may go home now miss. We'll be guarding him.

Thank god. You actually needed some rest after all the works. You grabbed your stuffs and thanked them. You quickly glanced at Sunwoo and went out.

You finally reached home. It was so dark, almost every street was empty. You quietly walked into your house without making any noise. You showered and drifted off to dreamland.

8.30 a.m

You woke up by the sunlight hitting your eyes. While rubbing your eyes you looked at the time. "Shit! I'm late". You quickly got up from your bed , making you fall down on the floor. "Ouch....". Your back ache. You ran to the bathroom and did a quick shower. Then getting ready to start your day.

You ran downstairs. "Morning". You said while grabbing a toast from the counter. "Good Morning". Your sister replied.

Suyoon: Jesus...
She looked at you.

Suyoon: You look tired
She's probably talking about the eyebags under your eyes

Suyoon: Maybe you should rest. I can infrom dad if you want

"No no. I have a very important meeting today. I'm off to work".
You kissed your mom cheek and went to the station.

You quickly walked to the meeting room while holding files filled with information about Kim Sunwoo's case. You knocked on the door and walked in.

Chief: You're late

"I'm so sorry. You know traffic and stuffs".
You awkwardly said and sat yourself down.

Chief: I'm letting this slide for now. Hopefully there's an improvement from you in the next meeting.

"Sure, chief".

Chief: As i was saying. In Su got caught at the airport yesterday. He's running away to Thailand. Luckily our officers got there by time. We're questioned him yesterday. And got exactly nothing.

"Maybe he really doesn't know anything...?".

Officer Kim: That's impossible. As Officer Ahn said he was Kim ManShik's right hand man. We need to dig up more info about him.

Chief: Exactly. Does In Su has any family members?

Officer Lee: He has a wife and two kids.

Chief: We can use his family to threaten him. That way we can get information.

Officer Choi: On it chief

Chief: How about you, Hayoon? Have you investigate Kim Sunwoo?

You lied. Well you basically didn't investigate him but he told about himself yesterday.

Chief: Do it today!

"Yes chief".

Chief: Meeting dismissed.

Everyone grabbed their stuffs and walked out of the room.

You stare at the clock and looked back at Sunwoo. You let out a sigh. They will be questioning Sunwoo in a few more minutes. He's going to get beaten again.....his wounds from the last questioning haven't heal yet. You don't know how he's going to take the pain.

"Ugh...why do i care either way?". You mentally scolded yourself.

At that time, two officers knocked on your room door. You let them in and they brought Sunwoo to the questioning room. You followed them as well.


We placed Sunwoo on the steel chair. Everyone surrounded him. Just like last time. If you answer the question you don't get beaten and if you don't...

Chief: Look her young boy..we caught your right hand man and he is cooperating well with us.. Why can't you do the same?
He said in frustration.

Sunwoo didn't answer. You fiddle with your fingers. Why can't he tell them the truth? Your dad signaled the officers. They use the steel baton to beat Sunwoo. He groaned in pain.

Officer Kim: This is not working

Officer Ju: Maybe we should move him to the ground prison
Everyone looked at him.

Chief: That's it! Move him to the ground prison.

You mentally gasped. Not there.....Ground prison is where the criminals gets electric shock. Oh god..... Everyone was so quick. They moved everything to the ground prison. You have nothing to do but to follow them.

They made Sunwoo sat again at the steel chair but this time with an electric shock under the chair. There's also wires around his body.

Chief: There's no way of you to escape this. Where's your dad?
He said getting closer to Sunwoo.

Sunwoo: I...don't know

They pressed the button. Electric wave runs through his body, making him yelped in pain. He closed his eyes , enduring the pain. He spat out some blood from his mouth.

"If i know...where he is....I'll definitely.. tell you".
He said.

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