Days later, in the Green Unicorn base, Ahab and his associate Erkan were in the office, Ahab turned off the TV, "So pirates are being suspected in this, it's not something new". Said Erkan.
"So, Elizabeth is dead".
"Wait... What?". Wondered Ahab.
"You didn't hear?" Erkan felt strange.
"No, I just turned off the TV and nothing has showed up concerning Elizabeth".
"Well, maybe just because of what happened in the PWD event, but you did meet her, no?".
"Yes I did, I talked to her face to face".
"They said that she died a long ago, I thought it's just a rumor too but apparently it wasn't when I got this" he showed him folder, "An IBI folder that confirms that the body was found is for Elizabeth".
"So, the person that I talked to could be Elizabeth and this is all fake or she is someone else".
"If you look otherwise, it does make sense a little if they have been inactive for three long years, that's not how Wings of Heaven used to be".
"By the way chief, take a look at this" Erkan gave him another folder.
"What, are you a police agent now?".
"You may want to open it".
He was a little surprised, "That's not true, is it another intel from the International Bureau of Investigation?".
"No, it's from my investigation".
Ahab remained quiet, "The threat that she told you about, it wasn't a threat actually, the inspection, the whole thing was just a cover up". He didn't say anything.
"Boss, I know you don't want to believe, but I'm telling you facts, but if you want answers about your questions, I cannot give it to you, only Ebru could".
Confusion surrounded Ahab, didn't know what to believe or even who to trust, did he really recognize that person on the event?
In a warehouse, a man was tied in a chair in front of someone who's wearing black clothes with sunglasses then Vermouth came in, "What is this?".
"Looks like someone tried to go little deep". Said Tequila
Another one was laughing came in with Vermouth, "It's thrilling! Why are we seeing these stuff so much nowadays?". With an evil laugh.
"Tch... you came, Prosecco!". Said Tequila.
Then he grabbed a deck of cards and shuffled them, then showed the man the card on the top, "Memorize its number!".
"Now while I'm shuffling, I want you to double the number, then add nine to the result, after subtract three from the result, then divide it by two and finally subtract the current number with the original number, if you got it, nod with your head!".
He nodded, "You're a quick calculator Huey, can't expect something less from you".
"God, as always talkative" Vermouth touched her head and exhaled.
Prosecco shuffled the cards, "You got your result?".
Huey nodded yes, "Good! Now, I'm going to refill them on the side of the pack, then tell me to stop anywhere you want by nodding your head".
As the cards refilled, Huey nodded his head, then Prosecco pulled two cards from the deck in the moment he stopped and showed them to him, "This is the top card that you picked and this three of spades represents the result of your calculation, am I wrong?".
The One Who Sold The World - Part One
Mystery / ThrillerA twin, Isabella and Elizabeth always wondered about their origins, who are their parents, where are they from?but for some reason the world is hunting them down to kill them, is looking for the truth of what they are become a crime?