Chapter 5

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(Corey's pov)
Jake  was coming home after a few weeks of being awake. The day before his discharge date we told him the truth  about Brook.
"And you've been coming to see me instead of looking for her." Jake says anger in his voice tears in his eyes.
"Dude we've been looking for her, the times you've been asleep." Colby says.

"I hope she's ok, fuck." Jake sighed.

(Colby's pov) 
Corey , Aaron , Sam and I help Jake pack his things. 
"I should have kept her safe." Jake says sadly .
"The reason you've been in hospital for months was due to keeping her safe." Sam reassured him once everything was packed up, it was time  to take Jake home .

Corey and I helped Jake  walk as he had muscle wastage due to not being inactive for months.

We get to the house and help Jake to his room. He lays down and gets  comfortable.
"We're going to look for Brooke , we'll take it in shifts so there will always be someone here if you need anything." Corey explains hoping it would bring Jake relief.

(Sam's pov) 
Corey , Aaron and I had been looking for Brook, but now it was getting dark.
"We better be heading home." I suggest.
"Yeah its probably for the best." Says Aaron 
Non of us spoke on the drive home.

Once home we find Colby and Jake on the sofa watching Netflix and eating toast. 
The moving pictures where a distraction for Jake but we could all see the pain in his face.
Colby takes it upon himself to see how the police  where handling the case. He went in the garden so we couldn't hear a thing , but through the patio doors we could see his frustration.

Half an hour later, Colby comes back inside. Jake had fallen asleep. 
Colby beckons the rest of us into the kitchen.
"So good news is they've found an accomplice of Arceus. Bad news is he's refusing to let out any information." Colby explains.
We told Jake once  he'd woken from his nap.

(Aaron's pov )
Months later , Jake had physically healed , but he was depressed and  frustrated as non of us had any success  in finding Brooke, so we all shared the feeling.

Weeks after Jake had come home I'd decided to get a dog named buddy, I thought it would do everyone good to have a constant positive energy in the house. 
Everyone was happy.
Buddy had regularly sat with Jake as he healed, we often heard him talking to Buddy in the night.

Right now I was walking Buddy in a forest I'd never walked in before .
We came across a weird bunker, Buddy seemed really interested  in it ,he sniffed and barked loudly.

"Buddy c'mon ." I call.
I make a mental  note at where the bunker was to tell Sam and Colby to see if they want to explore it. We make  our way home .

(Corey's pov)
Aaron comes through the door.
"Hey man." I greet him, I bend down to pet Buddy.
"Are Sam and Colby in." Aaron questions, letting Buddy free from his leash.
"Yeah they're in the kitchen ," I say.
As the words leave my mouth Sam and Colby appear in the entrance hall.
"Hey guys I found an awesome bunker, thought you could  check it out." Aaron informs them.
"Sounds cool." Sam states.
"Can I come it'll do me some good to get out of the house?" Jake asks walking down the stairs .

"Of course, lets all go make an evening of it." Colby exclaims.
So we decided we would go tomorrow evening.

(Jakes Pov)
The next day, we get prepared for our exploration , making sure we had water and flash lights. It was so exhilarating being able to explore with the guys again.

It turns 7:00Pm 
"Lets go." Sam announces.
We leave the house and cram into Colby's battered Toyota .
It doesn't take long to get to the edge of the forest.

We shuffle out of the car and start to walk .
The walk was flat and it didn't take long to find the bunker. We walk around it and find the door.
"This lock is hella rusted." Colby says before snapping it with his bare hands.
We enter and walk down the stairs , our light falls on a barred cell, it stank.

I peer through the bars scanning my light around the cell , what I saw I didn't expect .
A woman with brown hair , she looked deathly thin.
I look at her face.
"Guys its Brook." I shout.
They immediately cut the cameras and look where I'm looking.

"Holy shit." Aaron exclaims.
"She's still breathing." Corey states.
I notice her chest moving up and down, I sigh in relief.
Sam calls the authorities immediately . I try talking to Brook but she is isn't strong enough to respond .   After staring at her for awhile I realised how long she had been here, the lilac dye had faded from her hair .

Finally help arrived , the cops broke the lock of the cell. Paramedics carefully place Brooke on a stretcher .
"If not for that bottle of water she would have  died." A paramedic tells me, pointing  to the water bottle of water in the corner.
I follow the stretcher to the ambulance .

I go with Brooke , the other three follow in Colby's car .
I was unbelievably  happy to have Brooke back , but it was hard to see her like this.

A few minutes later we where at the hospital. The nurses tell us to wait in the lobby.
"I'm so glad we've found her." I tell the others, they nod in agreement.
"Thank god she's ok, I just hope they find Arceus." Corey says.
"Just his name gives me chills." I say.

(Colby's pov)
We where now able to see Brooke , we let Jake go first .
We find out that police had been stationed at our house to make sure nothing like this happened again .
"That should have happened ages ago." I say in annoyance .


(Brooke's  pov)
I felt so weak , but safe. I could hear Jake talking next to me the warmth of his hand on top of mine. I couldn't explain how happy I was to hear Jakes voice  filling the room.

After a week of getting my  strength back, it was time to go home.
I was greeted by all the guys in the lobby.
"I've missed you all." I say giving  them all a hug .
"Trust me we've missed you too." Jake says kissing my forehead.
I take his hand as we walk to the car.

We get home , police stationed at each door and more parking up on the drive .
We go inside. I am greeted by a small ginger dog.
"And who is this cutie? " I   ask.
"This is Buddy." Aaron says picking him up. 
I pet him.

"Buddy and Aaron where the ones that found the bunker first." Jake explains.
"Well I have the both of you to thank." I smile .

(Sam's pov)
I stay behind to talk to the new officers that had just pulled up.
"What's up guys, what's with the strengthening of security?" I question.
"Arceus'  accomplice finally talked, Arceus is coming for Jake, we are expecting him to show up here at anytime ." Explains the officer.


Jake and I cuddle on the sofa watching  films. Corey orders us food .
It was an amazing feeling to be back with the people I love .

The next day, Jake and I woke up on the sofa . I get up and make coffee and pancakes.  We sit and eat breakfast, we watch as  the nature goes by the window.
Buddy bounds sown the stairs .
He whines at the door to the garden. I let him out before taking my plate and mug to the kitchen.

That evening , Jake and I  cuddled up in bed.
I went on ziplo  casually looking at cute apartments .
Jake kisses my cheek and sees my phone.
"Why you looking at apartments?" He asks.
"Don't you think it would be safer, he knows where we live ." I say.
Jake goes quiet.

I go back to fantasising about how i would decorate the apartments.
Jake falls asleep next to me .

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