Chapter Forty-Nine

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There was a prophecy in circulation. A prophecy she didn't know the details of, but somehow, Annaliese knew it concerned Evette. The warlocks believed the seeress would someday become their downfall. Since they were kids, Annaliese had always been the blonde's strongest protector.

It came as no surprise to her that the fuckers had come for her now.

They'd come to finish off the job, no doubt. To remove an obstacle from their endgame.

Sadly, Annaliese was that obstacle. Unfortunately for them, she always posed quite the threat. Worse, history had proven her to be quite a difficult foe to terminate. She was still kicking. That had to say something about the success rate.

"Is this going to be a case of speed?" She asked the room, certain she wasn't going to get a response. "Who can kill who quicker? I hate to break it to you, but in the time it takes for your creepy fucking wisps to reach me, I'll have already turned your blood to fire."

"We're not here to kill you." A dark, low voice came from the centre of the room.

That was odd.

Annaliese had never heard a warlock speak before.

Hmm. The fuckers must be getting desperate.

"Is that right?"

"We're here to deliver a message."

"And I assume you expect me to deliver it?"

Annaliese was no messenger. She was a Queen, born and raised. Typically, she was the one sending out the messages. She didn't do the whole delivering thing.

"Alright then. I'll humour you all. What message is it I'll be delivering?"

Annaliese wasn't a messenger. First, she'd listen to their message, gather what information she could find and then ensure it never got to their targeted source.

She was nice like that.

"It's a message from Ronan."

Who the fuck was Ronan? Deduction skills told her he was probably their leader. That was funny. Annaliese had never thought about this creepy weirdo lot having a leader.

"And what does Ronan want me to deliver?"

"A message for Evette."

Annaliese rolled her eyes. Were they stupid? All they had to do was say it and she'd probably see it. Her and the bloody future. Their involvement of Annaliese was entirely unnecessary.

"And what's that?"

"Kill it."

Her blood ran cold, eyes narrowing. "Kill what?"

"She'll know. Ronan knows there's still time."

"Time till what?"

"Time until Ronan has to kill it himself."

"Weirdos, my patience has run out. You have ten seconds to leave this place before I kill you all."

She didn't like that eery silence.

"Deliver the message, witch Queen. Ronan will be interested to know that another witch has been claimed by the werewolves."

"You've seen the mark on my neck?" She readied a line of bullshit. "Then you know the werewolf Prince is coming for me as we speak. I hear your kind had a not so pleasant run in with a werewolf not too long ago. Are you already eager for a repeat?"

"Deliver the message."

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

A warlock shot his hand into the air. Annaliese didn't have time to react. That wisp was already coming at her. Her mouth curved in the shape of a scream as it pierced her skin. Like a knife, the darkness stabbed her.

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