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(A/N: they've been together for a while in this au!)

3rd person POV:

Gingerbrave and wizard were in wizard's room, just hanging out and chilling, gingerbrave was on his bed, admiring wizard reading a book, he was really glad to have someone like him, but then he noticed something about his boyfriend. He realized that he actually hasn't seen wizards hat off, and he wondered what he looked like with it off.

"Hey wizard," Gingerbrave got wizards attention and wizard looked up at him. "Yes brave?" He questioned him. "Y'know, I've never seen you without your hat before, can I see it? Pleasee?" Gingerbrave asked him, shifting closer to wizard. Wizard stared a him, and thought for a moment, "Oh, you don't have to show it if you don't want to, I was just curious," Gingerbrave reassured him. "..No it's okay, I've just never showed anyone, but I'll show you since I trust you and because I.. love you," Wizard looked away and blushed, gingerbrave chuckled at his response, "Alright I'm excited to see!"

Wizard breathed before taking off his hat slowly, gingerbrave's eyebrows raised in amusement, wizards white hair was a bit of a mess, but it still looked quite neat, and it seemed like it was fluffy as well, "Woah! It looks so fluffy!" Gingerbrave exclaimed. "Can I touch it?" He asked him, wizard hesitated, but gave in, "Hm, alright I guess," He said. Gingerbrave felt his hair and it was exactly what it felt like, it was similar to fluffy cotton candy and gingerbrave loved it, "Woahh it's so soft, I love it!" Gingerbrave exclaimed as he stroked his hair, wizard didn't mind, actually he really liked the feeling of his boyfriend just petting and combing his hair softly, he closed his eyes and laid back on the side of the bed, feeling relaxed, and suddenly fell into a sweet slumber.

Gingerbrave noticed and admired him and his cuteness, blushing softly at him. Gingerbrave picked him up (just imagine he's light lol) and placed him on his bed, patting his head, he was really glad to have a boyfriend like him. He decided to just let him sleep and just decided to rest bedside him on the floor, and soon they both became sleeping boyfriends. <3

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