Chapter 13- Trauma and death of Scorpion

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Ayan was driving back home from his meeting, he saw the incoming call of Riddhima, he said hello and all he heard was Riddhima's panicked voice asking where he was and whether he was okay or not.

He thought of stopping the car and talking to her and then he realized his brakes were not working, he was not in an area where there was too much traffic but he had deliberately crash his car into the tree to save himself.

He hit his head on the steering wheel and suddenly he started having flashback of the accident after his fight with Riddhima, he thought of informing her but before he could do anything he fell unconscious.

Riddhima on the other was having a panic attack..she called Ayan's PA to track his phone and she took her car to the address, for Riddhima her nightmare was becoming a reality, she found Ayan unconscious and with great difficulty she took Ayan to the hospital.

It seems hospital was becoming their second home because sometimes she is admitted or him. She prayed Bappa to keep Ayan safe.

Ahana pov

Ahana was getting bored in this big mansion and though she loved the status and name Mrs VR, she never got the rights of a wife.

Vansh would not even allow her into the room. He won't look or talk to her until absolutely necessary and that Kabir is also always near her like fly.

But for the last few days things have been weird she has been getting parcels with dead scorpions inside first she thought it was prank but it was getting serious, they were in her room but when she called Vansh to show him but there was nothing there.

At night she was thirsty and went to get some water, she saw someone lurking around the main door, she followed the shadow and went outside and she saw only the cars that were parked there. She saw the door of one of the car was open, she went to look inside but she was pushed into the car.

Whoever pushed her also threw a cracker in the car, the car was locked and she couldn't get she screamed calling out Vansh name but no one came, eventually she passed out and it was in the morning the family members found her passed on the stairs, she told that someone wanted to kill her but no one believed her.

The weird incidents were happening regularly someone writing home wrecker with blood on her room's mirror and finding all her clothes burnt, it felt to her that she was slowly losing her mind.

One day someone had written in blood that if she wants to know who was after her..she should come to store room,when she reached there someone attacked her from behind, when she regained her consciousness someone had done an elaborate setup of her death to look as suicide.

For the first time in life she was scared if someone opened the door she would die and to horror the door was opened by someone wearing a joker costume, it stood there watching her being choked to death.

The joker did save her but for her she was already brain dead, the joker placed her body in the living room and a chit on her body. "The poison inside you has killed you" Beware karma is happening. 😈😈

PS - i hope you liked Ahana's torture, Will Ayan wake and will he have PTSD, what will Riddhima do now?

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