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From this now, I will be using third person's pov because it is easier for me to write everyone's point of view.


Inside the Astal Abyss, it had big space with tall celling. This place is more bigger than a mansion as it is the same size as the castle. The wall is clearly white with gold linings. There are a lot of expensive things are displayed near the wall. It's really shining brightly than regular castle.

Max noticed the celling had some kind of paintings of some angels. It is majestic, Max thought.

"So this is Astal Abyss." Max whispered as he looked around in awe. That's including Maddox, Kou and Aria as well. Since this is the first time for them to come the place this big. Though, this is not a sightseeing. Max shook his head, snapping out from looking around. He shouldn't behave like a child just because this is the first time he came here and not only that, this is important time to focus.

Then, people in white with hood on came down from upstairs. "Welcome, Lord Vesperia and everyone as well." They greeted Max and the others in sync which make Max creep out of their timing by greeting them.

These people are guardians of The Mother of Weapons. They were chosen by The Mother herself. They trained themselves to be emotionless and be someone else from the person they used to be. Because they abandoned everything when they're first came here. Their birth names, their families, their friends and their dreams. Once they're here, they cannot leave the Astal Abyss even if they have families out there in somewhere in the world. They cannot marry or have children. They must continue to serves The Mother until the old age.

That's what Max learned from Katsuki. They are very mysterious people with abandoned backgrounds. They are here to serves The Mother of Weapons.

Hikaru only nod his head as a greeting to the guardians. "We have an appointment with The Mother. We have a new slayer." The immortal told. He reaches out to the latter and put his hand on Max's shoulder. "This is Max Zalkiere. He will be having his own Soul Weapon today." Max slowly shallow his saliva, feeling nervous when Hikaru quickly introduced him to the guardians.

"Yes, we have heard the news." The person in front of low grade guardians spoke out. "We shall guide to The Mother. She is excited to see the child of pure soul."

Max couldn't tell the person who talk just now is a male or a female, judging from their voices alone and even their faces are covered with the hood. He shouldn't be curious about this since they abandoned their lives for The Mother.

"Though, it will be take a while to get ready for the preparations so all of you can rest in the guest room since you all came from far away. We will serve foods and drinks." The leader look back and nod. "Guide them to the guest room." They said.

The two guardians bowed as other guardians left them to go upstairs.

"We shall guides you all to the guest room." Those two guardians walk first as Maddox and Kou quickly follow them along with Kaiser and Katsuki as well. Aria looked at Hikaru first before she went to follow the other with Fang. The only ones left are Hikaru and Max by themselves.

Max look confuse that Fang leave Hikaru's side. Usually he's follow Hikaru everywhere he went from behind but this time, he left Hikaru behind here and just follow the others.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now