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It's almost been a month that Maddox and I have been staying in Kou's mansion. My injuries are already recovering so quickly with the helps of a healer that Katsuki hired for me to heal my wounds. Ever since then, we started playing together in the mansion's garden everyday since we are children after all even though I was adult before but this life, I am still a kid so I will playing everyday since I have a lot of energy.

It was fun playing with Kou. It's even more fun that he showed us his water magic. As far as I know, Kurogane family are mages in the past generations. They are water mages, to be exact. It's amazing they were born with amazing amount of mana. I also heard that Katsuki is the famous mage in this world and also the member of the Four Houses.

No wonder they lived in a big mansion with many servants. I never get used to it at all. Especially having many foods in front of me right now. Maddox happily eating her favorite omelette and for me, it's the same dish as her since I am not a picky so I just eat whatever Maddox eat. Beside me, Kou is eating his pancake. It's only three of us are eating and a butler is standing behind Kou.

The butler is named Harry, an elf that serve under Kou's dad. He may look like a teenage but he is actually more older than Katsuki and Kaiser. I can't really believe at first but at least, I showed respect toward him because Kou is so childish.

As soon after I finished my breakfast, Kou and Maddox finally finish their breakfast. "What do you say after finish eating?" I asked both of them. "Oh, right! Thank you for the foods!" Maddox thanked Harry with a big smile. Harry smiled back. I looks at Kou. "You too, Kou," I smiled to encourage him. He started to blush a bit and avoid eye contacts with Harry. "Thank you for the foods." He whispered with embarrassment.

He is not used to it but he slowly trusting the other adults more beside Kaiser. My sister from previous life told me that Kou always hate adults because he fears of them when they were looking down on him like an object. Their eyes were the one that Kou fears the most. By looking their eyes, he can see lies. That's why he hardly trust any adults.

"What are we gonna play today?" Maddox asked, excitedly. "I want to go my treehouse!" Kou suggested with his raising arm. "Do you have treehouse? That's cool!" With that, we decided to go and search for the treehouse that Kou talked about.

He said that the treehouse were make by Kaiser alone. With those strong builds of his, of course he can do that pretty easily.

Walking hand in hand, I am between Maddox and Kou as they happily swinging our hands together. They are full of energy as always, unlike me.

As we continue walking on the small path to Kou's treehouse, I can see a tall figure near the treehouse.

"Ah, it's Uncle Kaiser!" Kou exclaimed as he's letting go my hand and run toward the tall figure. He's really excitedly to see Kaiser since he never came last week because he was busy with works as a knight. In other words, he is a policeman.

I guess in this world uses old words than new words.

I chuckled at my thought but suddenly, I can see a big tree suddenly crash down near them.

I felt Maddox's grip is getting more tighter than before. I soon realized that our faces turned blue when we seen that happens before us.

"Does Kaiser had the worst bad luck or what?"


"Oh, that? It's happen every time so it's okay. No one gets hurt because of that." Katsuki explained with a light laugh which I am dumbfounded at his carefree spirit.

Does everyone in this family are too carefree of the dangers?!

I sighs.

I am at Katsuki's office to learn about history of the world from the great mage himself because in this world, magic is exist and many things are far more different than the first world. While I am here, Maddox and Kou are still outside to play along with Kaiser since they are still children after all.

I couldn't join with them until the end since it's time for the lesson with Katsuki.

I do enjoyed learning more and more about the Second World from Katsuki because it was interesting and my sister from previous life never tell me everything about it yet. Thanks to Katsuki, I learned a lot.

"Let continue our lesson." I sit up straight as Katsuki casted out his water magic, making a lady wearing a long dress underneath the cloak.

He stands in front and point at the lady. "This is our savior of the Second World, Lady Alaina." then he bring up the lady statue closer to me so I can see it clearly. "She also had nine warriors, fighting along with her to save the world." Katsuki then make nine more people and all of them are males, wearing different kind of armors.

Somehow, they looked so familiar but I never met them before. It's almost like I know them yet I don't know them. Also, where is another one?

"Katsuki, where is another one?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Isn't there one more?"

Katsuki scratched his cheek gently, looking nervous. "I don't think I understand what are you saying, Max. There were only nine warriors that serve under Lady Alaina. The history didn't told us about the one at all." He said.

I feel disappointed for some reason at his words.

(Not only that, I feel sad and angry at the same time.)


Later that night, I come back to my room after taking a bath with Kou.

Seriously, the bath is so massive and shining white making my eyes almost become blind from it. Do everyone in this world are riches than anyone from the first world since I never seen a big mansion like this from that world.

Sitting down on my bed, Maddox is sleeping peacefully at the bed.

I smiles.

Everything is almost become perfect for our life. There's no more of them in here with us anymore. No more painful things done to you anymore and I'm glad everything is peaceful like we dreamed.

"Good night, Maddox." I kissed her forehead.

Even though this world is safe from them, there's still had evil and lies here. I will protect you from everything as I could. Because this is not a game but a reality.



Never thought that I haven't update for so long, haha. I will try my best to update more chapters as I could.

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