Stealth hero v. Stealth hero

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You were ready to fight


As soon as it was clear to go you activated your quirk and jump into the shadows. You wanted to find your dad before he found you. And that's what you did you found him hiding in a building. Before he could react you activated cryptonic and canceled his quirk. Aizawa didn't know where you were but he knew you were there. He started looking around for shadows when all of a sudden Shiro attacked him.

"Sending your wolf out first I see." You didn't say anything you knew if you did he would find you. Aizawa knew his quirk came back but he can't get rid of your wolf unless he looks at you. But shiro was doing a good job distracting him. While he was fighting shiro you were thinking of another plan. You could run.

Aizawa noticed shiro was protecting a certain area. The wolf wouldn't let him near the back left corner of the building. That's when he noticed the red gleam of your eye. He activated his quirk and shiro disappeared and you fell out of the shadow. You didn't waste any time reacting and launched yourself into a hand to hand fight. You moved faster since he had the weights on him.

Back in the monitor room

Class 1-A was watching you fight your dad. No one knew your goal and no one knew how unfair it was to pin you against your dad. "You really just put two people that have a similar quirk to fight against each other. It's going to end in a draw." Said Sero. "Well if you think about it, one of them tires the other out and they can win like that." Stated kirishima.

The class went silent to watch you fight. Mr. Aizawa wasn't holding back and was going at you full force. You were taking hits but also throwing some good ones. Aizawa threw one last good hit towards you, before the punch could connect you ducked and activated your quirks.

This lead to you deactivating Aizawa's quirk and dipping into the shadow. "As long as y/n has her quirk activated Mr. Aizawa can't use his." This statement came from Iida only for Izuku to respond "Not necessarily, they way that y/n quirk works is she has to be staring at the person for at least 5 seconds. As long as that quirk is activated then yes the other person can't use their quirk. She can hold her cancellation quirk for 15-20 minutes tops, but since she is also using reaper that time gets cut done."

Ochaco asked the question everyone was wondering "why?" This lead to Todoroki to respond "Both of her quirks are considered physical quirks because they take a physical toll on her body. It requires a lot of energy and stamina to use her quirks. And to use both at the same time uses more. So the more energy she has the longer the effects of her quirks." Everyone understood what Todoroki was saying which lead them to worry.

You needed to get out and fast

Back to you

You went to go hide and try to catch your breath. Your dad didn't know where you were. "If I keep going like this I will either faint or be easy to take out. I don't think I can use cryptonic anymore so I have to rely on reaper." This got you thinking, while you did that Aizawa was looking for you.

"Where did she go?" He started thinking "If she keeps up her fighting her quirks will be useless. I could tell she was going to try to end the match quickly but it didn't go as planned since Shiro accidentally gave her away. She has good strategy but since her quirks take a physical toll on her she can't last long in a long standing battle, something to work on."

Before her knew it you shot right passed him. Well right at him actually. You forgot you had a little trick up your sleeve. You used the shadows to start attacking your dad to get him away from the entrance and it worked right after he was far enough you hoped into the shadows and booked it. Aizawa ran after you but since you were faster in the shadows you had a bigger advantage. Aizawa activated his quirk which caused you to roll out of the shadows taking major damage to you and your equipment.

You can tell you were on your last leg. Those thoughts were hitting you like a truck but you tried to ignore them.

"You're not good enough"

"You're weak"

"Give up"

"Stop fighting you lost a long time ago"

"And you want to be a hero, pathetic"

You knelt down grabbing your head. Your dad knew something was wrong but he couldn't stop the test. It wouldn't be fair. So he activated his quirk and launched himself at you. You were barely able to react fast enough and dodged him. He noticed your eyes looked distant as if you weren't actually there. You stood up and started fighting at this point mindlessly.

You were able to knock over Aizawa and hoped in the shadow just barely making it out the gate. And once you did the announcement was made. Before anyone could say anything you passed out your dad was able to catch you before you fell "is she okay?" Asked Kaminari "yes she just needs some rest and to see recovery girl for her wounds but she should be fine."

"Y/n you passed, good job kiddo"


I'm back and ready to write. I've been so busy recently and so stressed so I'm happy to say I'm back writing also I'm rewatching bnha so I can refresh my memory

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