"You know Payno, it's kinda cold here and maybe we should warm things up.",she pushed me down on the bed and crawled on the top of me, holding my both arms with a tight grip. She leaned down on my neck as she starts to kiss it. She moved up on my lips where she travels her index finger on it, she was staring into my eyes through her shades.
"Just follow my instructions or else you'll be dead.",she reached for my ears and whisper it. I nodded as a response and watch her to make her move.
She pulled my shirt and touch my abs with her bare hands, she started to kiss it and stopped on the top of my pants.
She was now palming me through my pants which made a fire build in my stomach. She then unzipped it and pull them out of my legs,she palmed me again through the fabric of my boxers which the fire on my stomach starts to build up even more. She placed her hand inside of my boxers and started to move her hands up and down around my length. It made me hissed and moan for a second as she move her hands into a faster rate. Fuck, I'm losing control. I can't stop the wetness growing down there. Her hands were very skilled enough to make me wet like this."Is it coming? Very eager,Payno.",she said. Her voice turns out to be a sexual,husky voice which I think is very sexy.
She removed her hands from my boxers and crawled away from me.
"So hot,Payno. Very hot, I love it. Maybe we should do more action next time.",she winked as she continue to watch Netflix.
What am I thinking? Why did I let her do it? I have a girlfriend and I don't want to cheat with her. Wake up,Liam!
Maybe I was just carried away on what happend and I can't let her do this again to me.
But I admit it, I enjoyed it but I shouldn't. What the hell is going with me?