After finishing the whole 'Amazing Spider-Man' movie,which I really love; I search some channels that has interesting movies to watch.
My whole world stopped as I saw a news about Niall and Dani was caught kissing in bar."No, this is not her. They can't do this to me.",I murmured as tears streamed down my face. I stare at her for a moment, realizing that it was really her. I mean how could they do this to me? Niall is my best buddy,but maybe there's an explainable reason. Maybe all of it was just an accident. But what if it's not?
I tried to convince myself to sleep after all these issues running around in my head. First,the thing about Dani and Sophia's friendship. Second,this rumours about Dani and Niall's kiss.
I need answers for this. I should ask her when she's awake,so I can clear things up.
"Good morning,Daddy. Breakfast is ready!",I heard her voice that woke me up.
"What time is it?",I opened my eyes and looked at her as she placed the food on the table.
"It's 8:00. Why?",she smiled as she unwrapped the sandwich.
"Oh,no-nothing.",I smiled as she handled me the sandwich.
"Is it true?",I stared at her while she's drinking a glass of juice.
"What's true?",she smiled,her smile was fake and I can tell that she's really nervous. She knew that I'm going to ask her about this.
"That you and Niall kissed.",I looked down as tears started to form in my eyelids.
"No. No. Ha-How did you know about that?",she said as she gave me a pat on my hand.
"It's on the news! Tell me,is that true?",I said,my voice was clearly angry.
"It was just an accident. He was drunk and that happend. I'm not cheating on you,Liam. I promise that.",she wrapped her hands around me as I feel the tears pouring down on the cloth of the gown.
"Then what are you doing in the bar?",I untangle her hands around me and push her away from me.
"He just gave me some rules about you and he shared his love life with me,that's all. Geez Liam,you're just over reacting! Niall is your best bud,he can't do that to you. Neither I am!",she said,her voice was rising.
"Hey! Gu-",Niall, the rest of the boys and Eleanor suddenly burst into the room.
"What happend?And Liam! Oh my god! You're awake!",Niall said,looking at the both of us.
"Don't mind us.",Dani smiled as she sat on the couch,wiping the tears away from her face.
"No,Dani. What happend? Did you guys fight?",Eleanor said and sat beside Dani,comforting her.
"Yeah Liam, what happend? You just woke up and you're starting a fight with your fiancee?",Louis crossed his arm as he sternly looked at me.
"Ask Niall.",I said and turned my back at them.
"Me? Why me?",Niall said with curiousity in his voice.
"He's fucking mad because he saw this news about me and Niall kissed. But that's not true! He's over reacting!",Dani said,her voice is very mad. I suddenly heard the door being slammed and as I turn around,it was Dani who left. Eleanor followed her and I saw Niall on the couch with the other boys,looking at me.
"Bro, you heard her. It's not true. I was absolutely drunk and I can't remember anything. You should apologize to her. She really loves you,Liam.",Niall stood up and sat on the little space in the bed.
"Are you really sure with that?",I asked him,avoiding an eye contact with him.
"Yes he is,Liam!",Louis stood up and slap me on my shoulder.
"I'm such an asshole!",I covered my face with my palm,realizing that I am such a big idiot.
"Yes you are! Go and apologize to her!",Louis rolled his eyes with his arms crossed.
"I don't know,lads. She's totally mad. I never saw her as angry as this.",I said,placing my hand on my forehead.
"Then do something!",Louis chanted.
"Can you guys help me?",I purred.
"Sure Liam.",Niall smiled.
"Yeah.",Zayn winked.
"What the fuck no!",Louis said,chuckling.
"Louis!",Harry slapped his butt which made Louis jump in his plap.
"You're gross!",Zayn said as he pushed the two guys,who's pushing Zayn into the edge of the sofa.
"Thank you,guys.",I smiled.
"Ohh just talk to her,Liam.",Louis said as he straddled into Harry's lap.
"Geez. Louis please stop that!",Zayn said as he saw Louis grabbing Harry.
"Oh I'm sorry!",Louis pinched Zayn's cheek which made Zayn to slap his shoulders.
"Aw!",Zayn tried to slap Louis but Harry warned him.
"Niall.",I mumbled while he's laughing with those three.
"I'm sorry Liam. I'm very drunk and I didn't mean do that. I can't betray my brother.",he said as he sat at the couch on the other side.
"It's okay Niall. I believe you.",I smiled and gave him a pat.
"Niall, can you please help me? I really need to talk to Dani.",I said,begging like a kid.
"Sure,Payno. Anything. So what do you want me to do?",he smiled.
"I know you're good at planning surprises. So maybe we could work on that?",I said as we ignore noises on the other side.
"Ok. That's a good idea.",he said as Zayn suddenly burst into Niall's side.
"Ahh! I can't handle those two!",Zayn said,trying to catch his breath.
"Don't mind them! HEY LARRY! CAN'T YOU JUST WAIT UNTIL WE GET BACK TO THE HOTEL?",Niall screamed sarcastically.
"LET'S JUST GO THE BATHROOM,HAZZA.",he said,mocking Niall's tone.
"Finally! So what are you guys talking about?",Zayn sighed with a huge relief.
"About how am I going to talk with Dani. A surprise actually.",I said.
"Oh that's cool. I can help you with that.",Zayn said,grinning.
We started to plan about this surprise,like when is it happening and a lot of ways to convince Dani to talk to me.